Get to know Senior Executive Assistant Melissa Charest

Information Technology
Information Technology
Melissa Charest
Meet Melissa Charest

What was your last career change?

My current position is in IT. I spent 9 years in the Human Rights Office at the University. So I went from a team of 7 people to one of almost 200 people! That’s a lot of new faces…This change was more than welcome, I’m very happy within IT!

What made it successful?

The transition was easy because the welcome was more than welcoming. I felt at home. I would therefore say that the human factor greatly contributed to the success of this change.

What was the biggest challenge in adapting to your new role?

Not having my own office, being nomadic. This is really new to me! I find it helps to change the routine!

What advice would you give to someone considering a career change?

Don't be afraid of change and getting out of your comfort zone. It is in these situations that we bring out the best in ourselves.

If you were a chocolate bar, which one would you be?

Coffee Crisp, like coffee, I'm full of energy and it's not just me who loves coffee, my laptop does too...Some people will understand what I mean.

What ingredient should never be found on a pizza?

Without any hesitation, pineapples!

How have you added AI into your regular workflow?

I've started using Copilot for writing some emails, but I'm still shy about using this technology...

How has AI impacted your field of work?

I don't see any difference or impact yet. But I believe that by using it regularly, I will save a lot of time, especially when writing!