How a mini-CANHEIT delivers BIG benefits

Information Technology
Collage of participants of mini-canheit 2021 with overlay text and IT logo
uOttawa’s technology wow-ed at Canadian university IT conference that took place earlier this year.

uOttawa led nine sessions that showcased the ways we are building a university of tomorrow to higher education IT Leaders from across Canada. After receiving high praise from our peers, we thought, ‘why aren’t we sharing this awesomeness with our own community?’ And from there, mini-CANHEIT was born.

Mini-CANHEIT delivered nine sessions over the course of two afternoons to 84 participants from across the university. Sessions focused on technical projects and implementations, but also initiatives that contribute to university culture.

“Mini-CANHEIT was such a great idea! It allowed for everyone to see for themselves the innovative and amazing work being done by our colleagues. It showcased Information Technology's talent, which lives in abundance at uOttawa," explained Executive assistant, Diana Wittmann. 

Having the opportunity to revisit these sessions allowed our 16 presenters to share and celebrate our achievements with the community impacted by these projects. Participants said the event delivered: 

  • richer exchanges with the presenters 
  • availability of content to all IT 
  • opportunities for internal discussions 
  • increased awareness about IT initiatives
  • a wide selection of topics (technical projects to workplace culture)

“The mini-CANHEIT sessions were a great opportunity to learn more about important initiatives and projects that we are not involved in,” explained Mathieu Bertrand, Information Security Risk and Compliance Specialist. “Each mini-CANHEIT presentation is also a unique opportunity to have a deeper exchange with the presenters and team members (who have participated passionately in these initiatives) to reflect on how their initiatives can impact our own projects. Through a better understanding of what is happening around us, we can offer a better quality of service to our campus partners.”

Missed mini-CANHEIT? You don’t have to miss out on the content. Check out the Mini-CANHEIT 2021 presentations and recordings.