How the Student Discussion Forum is improving the student experience

Information Technology
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To transform a user experience, we need to know our users, learn from their preferences, provide for their needs.

To transform a user experience, we need to know our users, learn from their preferences, provide for their needs. User experience design is a key guiding principle in the uOttawa’s Digital Campus Transformation Plan. Information Technology is fostering relationships directly with students to gather their opinions on IT initiatives and their digital experience.

The Student Discussion Forum for IT is officially back! The first session of the semester was held on September 24, 2021. Students provided feedback on their start to the Fall semester. Read on to learn how we are using student feedback towards more impactful technologies.

Simplifying Co-op Navigator

Students expressed that applying to jobs through the Co-op Navigator was confusing, especially between first round and second round.


  • Enhanced layout and text to improve clarity to the process on the Admission tab
  • A new mobile app is being developed
  • Interface to ESDC’s Campus Connect that allows uOttawa students to see jobs from a national job board
  • Provide additional information related to virtual interviews
  • Provide an automated deployment

Other changes coming include

  • A new Message Centre will allow push notifications to be sent to student devices

Delivering online tools

Our community has access to a wide variety of online tools and applications. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to find information and navigate University’s tools, like uOzone and Brightspace.


  • Implement faculty-level orientations to boost online tool proficiency.
  • Support growth of Student IT Care services (formerly known as the Virtual helpdesk) which delivers one-on-one, detailed peer support for students.
  • Offer Student IT Care webinars to support mastery of online tools.
  • Provide Student IT Care one-on-one consultations for students needing more comprehensive assistance.
  • Share and promote services that are already available to students by continuously updating the Technical support for students webpage that collects links to student IT resources.


The uOttawa website has a brand-new look, but students are still having trouble finding information.


  • Improve search results within the site.
  • Centralize the information on support.
  • Expand the Self-Service Centre with chatbots (potentially next year).

"The Student Discussion Forum is a unique opportunity to get involved in making your own student experience better and more suited to your needs." Aya Naimi, IT Student Coordinator.

Want to have your say?

If you are a student or know of a student interested in participating in a future discussion forum, email Aya Naimi, IT Student coordinator.