How will wildfires affect wildlife habitats in Canada?

By Bernard Rizk

Media Relations Officer, External Relations, uOttawa

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Academic experts available to provide context or comment on the following topic:

How will wildfires affect wildlife habitats in Canada?

Members of the media may directly contact:

Heather Kharouba (English and French)

Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Email: [email protected]

Professor Kharouba can comment on the impact of climate change and wildfires on biodiversity.

"The unprecedented scale of wildfires this season is likely to have immediate and direct impacts on wildlife habitat. However, there is reason to be hopeful. Many plant species as well as animals with smaller habitat ranges like insects are resilient and will likely be quick to recolonize these regions in the near future. What remains uncertain is whether recovery will be as quick as in the past and how long these ecological communities can remain resilient if wildfires continue at this pace."


Kyra St. Pierre (English and French)

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science

Email : [email protected]


Professor St. Pierre can discuss the impact of wildfires on aquatic ecosystem health (pollutants and nutrients) and and the ability for algae, bacteria, fish, etc. in lakes, rivers and the oceans to grow and reproduce in Arctic and alpine regions.