My email was migrated to Outlook, now what?

Computer software and applications
Person working on laptop in public space.
The migration of student and alumni email accounts to Microsoft Outlook is complete. Your email account is among the many student and alumni email accounts now taking advantage of more secure, efficient and collaborative email services. Start maximizing your new Outlook account!

What to do now

Check out our resources for accessing and using your new Outlook account

Download Outlook for your iOS device or Android device to check emails on-the-go

Google recently announced that it's no longer offering unlimited storage for Google tools (Google Drive, Google Docs, etc.) as of June 2022. Due to this change and the availability of storage and collaboration on the Microsoft 365 platform, access to Google accounts and saved data will cease on June 29, 2022. Migrate your data now to avoid losing saved information. 

Have questions about Outlook?

Book a one-on-one session, or attend the upcoming Google migration webinar with Student IT Care, or submit a ticket through the Self-Service Centre for help with an issue.