New student options for IT help

Information Technology
Computer software and applications
4 students standing in front of a wall holding different devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop)
Exciting news! We have expanded Service Desk help options.

Student IT Care (Formerly known as the Faculty of Arts Virtual Help Desk/Arts Bistro)

Student IT Care (Service V.I.T. in French - un service digne d’un V.I.P.!) assists students with troubleshooting and learning for uOttawa’s student-facing systems such as uoZone, Brightspace, Zoom and more.

Help is available by:

  • Booking a 30-minute one-on-one troubleshooting and learning session
  • Attending an open session or topical webinar
  • Participating in an MFA enrolment session - exclusive offering for cybersecurity awareness month!

Students requiring in-depth assistance, can visit the new Student IT Care webpage.

Live chat at the Service Desk

Ask a question online using live chat. This service is available Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (excluding holidays).

Start chatting. Visit the Service Desk webpage.

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