Each year the president recognizes employees who have consistently contributed to enriching the university experience and achieving the institutional strategic plan. Congratulations to our 'Let's move together' team on your outstanding contributions to building the university of tomorrow.
Healthy workplace award – Team category
After long days of virtual meetings, Chief Information Officer Martin Bernier realized his days would pass by without much physical activity. He invited Information Technology employees to step away from their desks for some mid-day exercising.
“I believe that this is a great example of leadership by Martin Bernier to demonstrate the crucial importance of taking a break from work in order to return more refreshed. Personally, I came out of these meetings with renewed energy,”
Sophie Wauquier, Development Officer, External Relations.
Set to a high-energy playlist, employees chose how they moved –running, lifting weights, dancing, or cycling! The idea caught on and now employees from across the University are joining in these once-a-month workouts.
"The Let’s move together events are an amazing way to connect. We feel energized, not only by the exercise but also by the incredible energy that we get from Martin and all our colleagues. These are moments when we forget about everything. We are just there together, totally present, doing our best to move, and sharing a wonderful time that gives us so much stamina to keep going with our day and week ahead,”
Sandra Huertas, Database Administrator, Information Technology
- Martin Bernier, Chief Information Officer
- Diana Wittmann, Executive assistant