Partnership award winner: COVID-19 Recovery Task Force (CRTF)

Awards and recognition
3 students wearing masks walking at University of Ottawa campus
Each year the president recognizes employees who have consistently contributed to enriching the university experience and achieving the institutional strategic plan. Congratulations to the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force on your Partnership award in the Team category and your outstanding contributions to building the university of tomorrow.

The COVID-19 Recovery Task Force (CRTF) was established shortly after the closure of the campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This group focuses on the advice, guidance and recommendations for a safe and gradual return to on-campus activities.

The task force is comprised of leaders from across the University that engage in an open dialogue about the impacts on their sector and collaborate to deliver solutions in an unprecedented situation. Relationships are developed with experts in the University community to discuss and deliver solutions.

Through Information Technology’s involvement, various IT solutions, processes and initiatives were developed and implemented alongside our partners, such as:

  • COVID-19 assessment centre
  • COVID-19 vaccination declaration tool
  • Daily assessment tool
  • Queue management
  • Online resource booking
  • And much more!

“The CRTF has been instrumental in ensuring the continuity of University activities, whether online on in-person. Having so many sectors represented in the CRTF membership has been vital in capturing a complete view of the obstacles and challenges we face during these times. This university-wide collaboration has allowed us to quickly identify issues and implement solutions within a short timeframe. It’s a testament to the power of collaboration towards a vision of returning to the university campus we know and love.”
Daniel Trottier, Senior Director, IT Solutions and CRTF member

Award recipients from Information Technology

  • Daniel Trottier, Senior Director, IT Solutions
  • MaryAnn Welke Lesage, Director, Enterprise Architecture
  • Kevin Mcnalley, Information Technology Manager