Sending sensitive information? What you need to know

Secured files.
Sending a file with confidential or restricted information such as student/employee records, account numbers, or other sensitive data?

The best way to transmit sensitive information is via uOttawa Liquidfiles, a secure online file transfer service that facilitates sending large (to 10 GB).

Pro tip: Follow the IT Security Guidelines for Working Remotely to ensure you properly access, store and dispose of confidential or restricted information. Upon receiving files that contain confidential or restricted information make sure files are never stored locally on your computer disk.  These files must be stored in a secure location such as university’s network share, OneDrive or DocuShare. 

Why use LiquidFiles instead of email?

LiquidFiles provides added security for sensitive files. Through the service, files are automatically encrypted, logged and scanned for viruses and malware. There are also options to enable authentication for added security. Access to files expire automatically after seven days and restrictions can be placed on forwarding to others.

Start sending your files now!

For more information, check out the LiquidFiles user guide.

Note: Handling of confidential/restricted information should be in accordance with University policies, standards and guidelines. Policy 23 on Information ManagementPolicy 90 on Access to Information and Protection of Privacy and  Policy 117 on Information classification and handling describe how electronic information is classified and the actions and responsibilities involved with electronic information.