Sharing the benefits of virtual lines

Student experience
Illustration of people waiting in line.
Waiting in a line-up is never fun, especially when you have no idea how long you’ll have to wait. The University of Ottawa’s virtual line solution allows students to wait where they want while receiving notifications.

In December 2021, two of our resident QLess experts presented this virtual line implementation to higher education institutions from across North America. IT Business Analyst Lee-Ann Hupé and InfoService Business Expert Christian Mangungu discussed how the University of Ottawa leveraged the QLess platform and how virtual queueing has impacted students.

“We are hearing from students that requesting services online can make a huge difference to the student experience,” Christian explained at the webinar. “QLess gives students flexibility when waiting for services. Students can move freely around the campus while waiting in line versus being stuck in a waiting room. “

They provided an insider look at how streamlined processes, increased service visibility and mobile service created a better student experience. Students can manage their time and benefit from notifications right on their phone.

“The faculties at the university all have created [a] new virtual line which is an EXCELLENT tool as it allows us to stay on the wait line without having to be on the phone,” Faculty of science student.

Want to learn about uOttawa's QLess virtual line implementation? Check out Lee-Anne, Christian and QLess' Inside Higher Ed webinar and presentation (PDF, 3.45 MB; in English only).

Quick Info

  • Faculties and services continue to offer a great student experience by providing both in-person and virtual service.
  • We have seen a dramatic reduction in long physical wait lines especially during peak periods with over 36,000 interactions since December 2020.
  • QLess is now used in 9 out of 10 faculties and 3 services including InfoService/InfoAdmission, Financial Aid and Awards and uOttawa Card Services.