Solve complex business questions with the uOttawa Datahub

Laptop computer with a custom dashboard displayed on the screen.
Picture this scenario: You have a business problem. To narrow in on the issue, you need to create a single report by collecting data from three different application software systems that don't "talk" to each other. How do you move forward?

(3-minute read)

Over the last 18 months, Information Technology has been working on a solution to help solve these situations. This is how the uOttawa Datahub was created. This solution is aligned with the Digital Campus Transformation Plan and the Transformation 2030 Strategic Plan as evidence-based decision making.  

The uOttawa Datahub is a platform that allows all University employees access to a team and a set of tools that can create reporting dashboards, helping solve complex business questions with ease. The Datahub provides a service not easily attained in the past, as it allows users to access and report on multiple applications and systems at the same time. This includes both structured and unstructured data.  

Now that the Datahub is up and running, the key is to move on from stale reporting to dashboards; they are taking over when it comes to solving complex business questions. Dashboards are dynamic, can have near real-time data and help tell a story. They can be distributed to their intended audience via multiple channels simultaneously and are always accessible and offer fresh data per the needs of the business user. You can use complex visuals, filters, drill down fields and many other tools to assist in helping you better understand your data. Your imagination is really the only limiting factor when it comes to creating your dashboard. 

You can put your data on a map to assist with viewing it. 

Screenshot of a data map created with the uOttawa datahub.

What about trending analysis visualizations? 

Screenshot of a trend analysis report created with the uOttawa Datahub.

Maybe filters will help you narrow in on an answer? 

Screenshot of a report using filters created with the uOttawa datahub.

What if I want to ask a colleague for clarification on something? 

Screenshot of a complex report created with the uOttawa datahub.

What does a uOttawa Datahub dashboard bring me? 

  • Unlimited number of data sources including unstructured data 
  • Reliable and accurate data 
  • A robust security framework 
  • Simple data manipulation to find the right answers quickly  
  • Advanced visualizations to help tell a story 
  • Nearly limitless distribution options 
  • Realtime business decision collaboration  

The uOttawa datahub is live now. Employees can submit a request to have a custom dashboard prepared for their specific needs. For security reasons, only the uOttawa Datahub team has access to the platform to create dashboards for you. There are already more than 20 active data connections the team has created dozens of dashboards to date. The uOttawa Datahub has the tools to create the right dashboards for our needs. 

If you are interested to learn more or want to request your own dashboard, you can contact Todd Rever.