Stay Alert for Extortion Phishing Emails!

Information Technology
Information Technology
Vector image of hacker watching laptop and passwords
Phishing emails targeting the University of Ottawa community have been on the rise, with some even appearing to come from your own account, and while we are continuously working to enhance email security to block these threats, your ongoing vigilance remains essential.

Recognizing and Reporting Phishing Emails
If you receive a phishing email, remember that cybercriminals usually lack personal information beyond what’s in the email. Do not engage; instead, click on the “report message” button to notify Information Technology.

Old Passwords and Security
Phishing emails may include an old password obtained from data breaches. If you still use that password, change it across all accounts and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security.

Monitoring Your Account Activity

Regularly check your recent sign-in activity to ensure there are no unauthorized accesses. 

Helpful Resources

To further safeguard your online security, here are some handy links:

Stay vigilant and protect your personal information. If you notice anything unusual or have any concerns, contact the Service Desk.