Technology: a necessity more than ever

Information Technology
Digital campus transformation plan

By Amélie Leroux

Student Engagement Coordinator and Digital strategist, University of Ottawa

Amélie Leroux
Students on campus.
Within our new reality, Information Technology at the University of Ottawa has become more important than ever before.

It encouraged the use of digital platforms and virtual communication tools to establish a higher education. I was fortunate enough to support this new change and be a part of the promotion of this new Digital Campus Transformation 2020-2025.

A month within my work term in summer 2020, I started working with an interdisciplinary team on the Digital Campus Transformation Plan. Each team member oversaw different aspects of the project such as the website, the video, the one pager and the plan. My coworker and I were assigned the responsibility of creating a video to raise awareness to the Plan. Due to the pandemic, the creation of this video brought a new challenge. My co-worker and I could not simply meet up and work on the project. We had daily conference calls to discuss ideas and message others within IT for the resources we needed. Constant communication within the team was key to our success.

While working on this project, I learned more than just how to work in a team virtually. I also learned how to adjust my work to incorporate feedback, how to use the right words to capture the attention of the audience and how to create a video using a new tool. This experience allowed me to see what goes into the process of making a strategic plan. However, my primary objective was to push myself to create a final product that I would be proud of. I believe we accomplished this.

As a student, being able to contribute to something that will affect change within the University is an experience that I will never forget. I believe that it is beneficial for students to get involved in matters that concern the quality of our education.