Teleworking during the pandemic: a personal lens

Information Technology

By Nicole Longeway

Vendor Relations Officer, University of Ottawa

Nicole Longeway
Aerial view of the campus.
2020 has been a surprising year of constant adjustments sometimes. Some have been minor, others more challenging.

Undoubtedly these have been out of anyone’s control, but I feel the pandemic has made the world stand still. It’s made me reevaluate what is truly important. How can we get back to our core values and what really matters? 

Working remotely from home lifts the curtain and holds a lens on how we spend our days, value our relationships and the environment we create for ourselves at home. More and more, a shift is occurring in the news. Where once it was all about the pandemic and its tragic impact, it has started to move to something more holistic, and there is an increased focus on mental health and personal well-being.

On a personal note, the unexpected turn of events has taught me the importance of my routine and the key role it plays in my daily living, from how I start my morning and prioritizing my lunch to keeping in touch with colleagues -- while achieving my daily work objectives.

I have reconnected with my creative side, looking for hobbies to incorporate into my workday … such as starting a small garden using eco-friendly tubs. This is something that I have always wanted to tackle! I also played a tiny role in contributing to the yeast and flour shortage by making my own bread and various baked goods with the assistance of interesting online learning blogs. Lastly, I brushed off my amateur art skills by painting and engaging in various crafts. 

All have been fantastic outlets and allowed me to reduce my stress level. And if I’m honest, provided a small and welcome distraction from Covid-19. Another healthy habit I adopted is the practice of Practising Gratitude. No matter how big or small, I start each morning with reflections on what I am grateful for. This has helped me stay grounded and maintain a positive attitude in these uncertain times.

It’s no secret that the pandemic has pushed us out of our comfort zone, to stand up and take notice of our personal responsibilities to each other. I challenge everyone to take advantage of the current reality to work on yourself, to build better relationships at work and at home, and see the vital role we all play with our families, our communities and our workplace.