uOttawa media event calendar – October 17-20, 2023

People walking on campus as sun sets behind them
Here are highlights of the events taking place at the University of Ottawa from October 17 to 20, 2023:

From authoritarianism to democracy: Freedom and human rights in Taiwan
WHEN: Tuesday, October 17, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
LOCATION: Ottawa Art Gallery, Room Alma Duncan | 10 Daly Avenue, Ottawa
An important conversation about how Taiwan, after 38 years of martial law, turned into one of the most democratic and free countries in Asia, dedicated to raising nationwide awareness of human rights.

The Power of Women's Voices in Public Life with the Right Honourable Kim Campbell
WHEN: Wednesday, October 18, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Desmarais Building, Room 4101
A unique event on the topic of the power of women in public life, featuring the Rt. Hon Kim Campbell, the first woman to serve as prime minister of Canada.

Foreign Fighters in the Former Soviet Union
WHEN: October 18 – 19, from9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (both days)
LOCATION: Social Sciences Building, FSS 4007
This two-day workshop will provide a better understanding of the threat link to foreign fighters in the former Soviet Union; the reasons behind their violent mobilization and determine what specific policies that can be put forward to address post conflict challenges including the question of returnees.

The Inaugural Ian R. Kerr Memorial Lecture
Shaping the Politics of AI: Past, Present, Future with Kate Craweford
WHEN: Wednesday, October 18, from 5 p.m.
LOCATION: Fauteux Hall, Room 147
The Ian R. Kerr Lecture is a new high-level annual lecture established to enable distinguished thinkers from around the world to share with the general public the results of original study on important subjects of contemporary interest on current and future technological issues. Professor Kate Crawford is a leading international scholar of the social implications of artificial intelligence. 

Shaping AI for Just Futures - International AI + Society Conference
WHEN: Thursday October 19 to Friday, October 20, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (both days)
LOCATION: Tabaret Hall
A global and interdisciplinary conversation on the ethical, legal and societal implications of artificial intelligence with leading law, policy and ethics scholars from around the globe.

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