Implementation of new services to support staff and students
In 2020, the Faculty implemented a five-year strategic plan, “Leading Innovation for a Healthier World.” It includes ambitious and bold priorities that require a secure and sustainable technology infrastructure. It also compels us to look to the future and collaborate on technology projects and initiatives that support our academic, administrative, and research stakeholders in achieving their goals and that are located well beyond our campus walls.

“We are ensuring the alignment of technology investments to Faculty of Medicine, Digital Plan and T2030 strategic priorities to improve overall IT planning and decisions.”
Lyne Charlebois
— Medtech Director
To achieve this, the Faculty has committed investments towards modernizing its infrastructure and application assets and adopting University administrative platforms where there’s a fit. They are also developing a multi-year program to invest in specific solutions that support growth, value creation, and compliance. This includes transformational initiatives such as setting up a new Pharmacy Program, expanding its simulation learning centers to include virtual capabilities, implementing undergraduate and post-graduate competency-based educational programs, and supporting the construction of a new Advance Medical Research Building in the coming years.
To advance these initiatives, the Faculty of Medicine has adopted a campus-wide collaboration solution to support the implementation of Microsoft 365. In addition to improving technological sustainability. The team is strengthening IT security and related capabilities to secure faculty assets, data, and operations by mitigating security vulnerabilities.
These initiatives require the constant support and coordination of a broad range of experts from Information Technology, the Faculty’s Medtech department, and other affiliated faculties’ of medicine and industry partners. Several roles within the Faculty of Medicine, such as Project Managers, Product Owners (Research, eLearning, and Operations), are being created and designed to maximize teamwork and to facilitate collaboration with each business unit.
As the Faculty connects to the community in new ways, Medtech is supporting the technologies that facilitate collaboration and innovation.