Years of Service - 2020

Awards and recognition
Faculty of Social Sciences tower and Vanier Hall.
This year, some of our colleagues are being honoured for their years of hard work and dedication to the University.

We recognize the outstanding achievements of these individuals in our team and thank them for their contributions throughout all these years.

35 years of service
Esther Clérin, Systems Analyst
Jacqueline Oliver, Manager, Strategic Initiatives

30 years of service
Suzanne Bellefeuille, Senior Programmer Analyst

20 years of service
Anne Bercier, Financial Analyst
Dominique Denis, Financial Officer
Jean-François Dion, Information Technology Manager
Martin Grégoire, Computing Analyst
Nancy Gauthier, Financial Officer
Trang Pham, Security Analyst

15 years of service
André Lanthier, Chief Administrative Officer
Khalil Chamoun, Information Technology Manager

10 years of service
François Prévost, Senior Programmer Analyst
Marc Lacelle, Security Analyst