
Office of the Chief Risk Officer

The Office of the Chief Risk Officer (OCRO) oversees Operational and Enterprise Risk Management, Insurance, Internal Audit, Protection Services and Emergency Management, as well as Health, Safety and Environmental Management. We strive to be a valued partner and advisor to University management, faculties, and staff. We lead in providing early awareness of major risks and opportunities, while supporting our institution’s teaching and research mission.

About us


Our vision for the Office of the Chief Risk Officer is to be a leading resource and trusted partner for enterprise and operational risk management, contributing to the overall success and sustainability of the University.


The OCRO aims to enhance organizational resilience and foster a risk-intelligent culture that empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions in support of uOttawa’s long-term success. Our purpose is to establish a dynamic methodology that systematically identifies, assesses, mitigates, and monitors risks that may impact the University’s ability to achieve its mission and strategic goals.

Strategic goals

  • Ensure campus safety for all members of our community
  • Provide proactive, effective, and timely risk management advisory services
  • Actively support safe and compliant research activities
  • Foster a risk-intelligent culture within the University that encourages a heightened understanding of risks and promotes informed decision-making at all levels
  • Strengthen the University’s ability to adapt and recover from unexpected challenges, disruptions, and uncertainties, thereby enhancing overall organizational resilience
  • Provide education, training, and support to ensure that everyone understands the importance of risk management and the role they can play in mitigating risks

Contact us

Office of the Chief Risk Officer

141 Louis Pasteur, Room 204D
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Email: [email protected]

Hours of operation

Sept 1 to May 31
Monday to Friday 
9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

June 1 to August 31
Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Map of our location