Learning corner
Suggested readings about dealing constructively with conflictual situations.
Further readings

Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life
– by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Marshall Rosenberg's remarkable process of Nonviolent Communication has gained worldwide recognition as a tool for turning even the most volatile situations into a natural interchange of compassion, generosity, and mutual enrichment.

From Violence to Blessing
– by Redekop
Sharing his extensive experience as one of Canada's foremost leaders in conflict resolution, Redekop shows how deep-rooted conflict and violence have been slowly transformed into peace and reconciliation.

The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map
– by Ursula M. Franklin
Amazon description: Feminist, educator, Quaker, and physicist, Ursula Franklin has long been considered one of Canada's foremost advocates and practitioners of pacifism. The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map is a comprehensive collection of her work, and demonstrates subtle, yet critical, linkages across a range of subjects: the pursuit of peace and social justice, theology, feminism, environmental protection, education, government, and citizen activism. This thoughtful collection, drawn from more than four decades of research and teaching, brings readers into an intimate discussion with Franklin, and makes a passionate case for how to build a society centered around peace.

The Lost Art of Listening: How Learning to Listen Can Improve Relationships
– by Michael P
Why do we often feel cut off when speaking to the people closest to us family members, friends, or colleagues? What is it that keeps so many of us from really listening? Michael P. Nichols answers these questions and more in this thoughtful, witty, and helpful look at the reasons people don't hear one another. His book, a guide to the secrets of listening and being listened to, is filled with vivid examples that clearly demonstrate easy-to-learn techniques for becoming a better listener. He also illustrates how empathic listening enables us to break through misunderstandings and conflict and to transform our personal and professional relationships.

Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations
– by William Ury
We all want to get to yes, but what happens when the other person keeps saying no? How can you negotiate successfully with a stubborn boss, an irate customer, or a deceitful coworker? In Getting Past No, William Ury of Harvard Law School's Program on Negotiation offers a proven breakthrough strategy for turning adversaries into negotiating partners. Getting Past No is the state-of-the-art book on negotiation for the twenty-first century. It will help you deal with tough times, tough people, and tough negotiations. You don't have to get mad or get even. Instead, you can get what you want!

The Practice of Negotiation
– by Gordon Sloan, Jamie Chicanot (ADR Education)
Drawing on their many years of experience, trainings, conflict resolution, and services delivered in a wide range of settings, Sloan and Chicanot have created a training manual.

The Practice of Mediation
- by Jamie Chicanot and Gordon Sloan
The Practice of Mediation is the best short instructional tool I have seen on the topic. I very much like the way you include attitudes, values as a vital aspect needed.

Beyond Reason
- by Roger Fisher and Daniel Shapiro
In Getting to Yes, renowned educator and negotiator Roger Fisher presented a universally applicable method for effectively negotiating personal and professional disputes. Building on his work as director of the Harvard Negotiation Project, Fisher now teams with Harvard psychologist Daniel Shapiro, an expert on the emotional dimension of negotiation. In Beyond Reason, they show readers how to use emotions to turn a disagreement-big or small, professional or personal-into an opportunity for mutual gain.

The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution, a practitioner guide
- by Bernard Mayer
This empowering guide goes beyond observable techniques to offer a close look at the creative internal processes--both cognitive and psychological--that successful mediators and other conflict resolvers draw upon

The Mediation Process, practical strategies for resolving conflict
- by Christopher W. Moore
Since it was first published in 1986, The Mediation Process has become a landmark resource for mediation practitioners, trainers, students, and professionals in corporate, legal, health care, education, and governmental arenas. This thoroughly revised and expanded third edition has been updated to include coverage of the most contemporary issues in mediation practice and to provide updated bibliographical resources.

Workplace Bullying
- edited by Noreen Tehrani
The effects of bullying on organisations and individuals can be devastating and can adversely affect both the workers themselves and the productivity of the organisation that they work for. This book explores the impact of bullying from the perspective of both the employee and the organisation in which they work. In addition to describing the negative outcome of bullying, Workplace Bullying also looks at ways to promote resilience and the opportunity for growth and learning to take place.

Toxic Emotions at Work
- by Peter J. Frost
In "Toxic Emotions at Work and What to Do About Them", Peter J. Frost argues that the way an organization responds to pain determines whether it remains toxic or becomes generative, whether it endures as a debilitating poison or is transformed into a force for healthy organizations. According to Frost, when ignored, toxic emotions betray employees' hopes, bruise their egos, reduce their enthusiasm for work, and diminish their sense of connectedness to their company's community and goals. Compassionate responses to pain, on the other hand, encourage those who are suffering to effect constructive changes in their work lives. "Toxic Emotions at Work and What to Do About Them" suggests that handling toxic emotions effectively is an important, though unrecognized set of competencies that must be understood and embraced - not only by toxin handlers, but by leaders, managers, and the organization as a whole.