Regular members

Alysse Weinberg

Alysse Weinberg

Mes activités en tant qu’enseignante et chercheuse et dans le programme de français langue seconde de l’université d’Ottawa remontent à une vingtaine d’années. En tant que didacticienne, j’ai participé à l’introduction des nouvelles technologies dans l’enseignement des langues et j’ai publié de nombreux articles sur l’enseignement multimédia dans les cours de langue. 

Depuis 2007, j’ai participé activement au Régime d’immersion en français en tant que responsable pédagogique, professeur et chercheuse. Mes recherches se concentrent sur l’immersion en français au niveau universitaire au Canada et en particulier les différentes facettes du dispositif immersif de l’Université d’Ottawa. J’ai analysé les dimensions langagières des apprenants comme l’acquisition du vocabulaire, la dimension cognitive comme l’utilisation des stratégies d’écoute ou encore les dimensions culturelles des différents acteurs impliqués dans l’immersion, étudiants comme professeurs en analysant leurs discours, représentations et perceptions.

Cameron C. Montgomery

Cameron C. Montgomery

Professor Montgomery's doctoral thesis is on the relationship between student teachers' stress and social problem solving and his current research focuses on the student teaching experience. He tries to understand how stress influences student teachers; more specifically Professor Montgomery attempts to explain the link between stress, coping and burnout. He has published numerous articles in both national and international journals on the subject of stress. Dr. Montgomery received a doctoral scholarship from the Graduate Studies' Foundation at Laval University. Since his arrival at University of Ottawa in 2003, he has taught courses in teaching and learning. He completed a research project on the link between student teachers' stress, coping and burnout funded by SSHRC. He also has done research on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Originally from Toronto, Professor Montgomery speaks English, French, Spanish, German and Italian.

Catherine Elena Buchanan

Catherine Elena Buchanan

Catherine Elena Buchanan completed her BA and Masters in Second language Acquisition at the University of Ottawa and began teaching there in 2000, at was then the Second Language Institute.  Since then, she has moved into steadily increasingly responsibilities in research, teaching and administration.  She played a key role in the creation of the French Immersion Studies Program of the University of Ottawa, and continues to do so.  She has presented its achievements at a number of national and international conferences.  She has also published articles based on post-secondary immersion best teaching practices.  In the classroom, she makes it a point to transmit her love for the French language by introducing her students to the world of francophone culture in all its variety.  At present, her field of expertise has expanded into the question of implementing the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in a Canadian context.

Hélène Knoerr

Hélène Knoerr

Hélène Knoerr est titulaire d’une maîtrise en enseignement du français langue étrangère et d’un doctorat en Phonétique expérimentale, fonctionnelle et appliquée.

Elle est active dans les programmes de français langue seconde de l’université d’Ottawa depuis une vingtaine d’années en tant que chercheure et enseignante. Elle a publié de nombreux articles sur l’enseignement de la prononciation et de la prosodie du français langue seconde et l’enseignement multimédia des langues secondes.

Depuis 2007 elle se consacre à la recherche et à l’enseignement dans le cadre de l’immersion en français au niveau universitaire.

Jennifer St-John

Jennifer St-John

Language Teacher III, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
MEd, University of Ottawa
BEd, University of Ottawa
Honours BA Linguistics, University of Ottawa.

70 Laurier Avenue East, Room 130

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 3464


Jérémie Séror

Jérémie Séror

My research interests focus on the socially constructed nature of academic literacies and multilingual students' educational and social achievement. These interests are motivated by the desire to improve the educational circumstances of multilingual students and their instructors. This work is motivated by over 15 years of working as both a French and English language teacher in public schools, overseas, and in university settings. 

I am specifically interested in drawing on social theories of language to produce more robust and explicit understandings of the interaction of linguistic and social factors linked to language development.

Laura Ambrosio

Laura Ambrosio

French Second Language professor at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute of the University of Ottawa, Laura Ambrosio is interested in both practical and theoretical aspects of languages acquisition, teaching and evaluation, in various contexts, including immersion, French second language for international accreditation (DELF – DALF) and Italian, modern language. She publishes and contributes to the elaboration of pedagogical tools and manuals for second language learning.  She is carrying out research in the area of International languages linked with pluri-cultural approaches fostered by the European Council of Europe, ECLM and initiatives of her practice linked with the experiential learning at the University of Ottawa. Among others, she has been coordinating for six years, a Summer University Program for FLS teachers and she is now Director of the Undergraduate Studies at the Institute.

Marlene Toews Janzen

Marlene Toews Janzen

Language teacher, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
1996 - M.éd, Enseignement des langues secondes, University of Ottawa
1987 - BA (spec), Lettres françaises, University of Ottawa
1977 - Certificat en éducation, University of Manitoba
1976 - BA (Hon), Histoire, University of Winnipeg.

70 Laurier Avenue East, Room 022

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 3466


Sheila Scott

Sheila Scott

Professor, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
2005 - PhD Linguistics: Second Language Acquisition, University of Ottawa;
1988 - MA Applied Linguistics, University of Ottawa;
1983 - BA Honours Linguistics, University of Ottawa;
1982 - BA, University of Ottawa

70 Laurier Avenue East, Room 114

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 3475


Vasiliki Spiliotopulos

Vasiliki Spiliotopulos

Ph.D., Language and literacy education, University of British Columbia, 2003

M.A., French Language and Literature, Université Laval, 1997

B.A., Double Major – English and French, University of British Columbia, 1995

B.Ed., Secondary Education, French and English, University of British Columbia, 1993

Reza Farzi

Reza Farzi

Affiliated members

Peggy Flynn

Peggy Flynn

Peggy Flynn completed her Masters Degree in Bilingualism Studies at the University of Ottawa. As a high school French Immersion teacher for the past 20 years, she is mostly interested in the motivation and investment of her students. Her passion is to open up the Francophone world to her students by offering foreign travel and cultural opportunities as well highlighting exciting and rich programs such as Explore and intercultural exchanges. Peggy Flynn was named the Canadian Parents for French “Educator of the Year” for Prince Edward Island in 2010. 

Renos Dossous

Renos Dossous

956-4 Bld. du Plateau
Gatineau, Québec, J9J 0B9

Tel: 613-797-6657

E-mail: /

Student members

Laura Castano Laverde

Laura Castano Laverde

Since fall 2014, Laura Castano has been an undergraduate student specializing in the Second Language Teaching (SLT) program. She met Professor Jérémie Séror while taking one of her program courses during the fall of 2015. Professor Séror and his research partner Professor Alyssa Weinberg inquired her about becoming their research assistant, which she gladly accepted. Speaking more than three languages since childhood, she has taken an interest in the cognitive and social processes of language learning, specially in multicultural contexts. Working with both professors also interested her in pursuing the Masters degree in Bilingualism at the official languages and bilingualism institute (OLBI) of the University of Ottawa.

Jessica Durepos

Jessica Durepos

Jessica is currently finishing her master’s degree in Second Language Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ottawa. In addition, she is a graduate of the DLS program, holding a Bachelor’s of Arts in Second Language Teaching. Her thesis research focused on first-year undergraduate French immersion students’ linguistic identities as they transitioned to post-secondary education at the University of Ottawa. Her research interests include student experience of UOttawa students in the RIF, bilingual teaching and learning in Canada as well as post-secondary education and student retention.  In the past several years, Jessica has also assisted in various research projects focusing on second language learners at the University of Ottawa with Dr. Jérémie Séror, Dr. Marie-Josée Hamel, Dr. Sylvie Lamoureux, Dr. Douglas Fleming, Dr. Françis Bangou. Since 2013, she has been teaching as a part-time language instructor with the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute of the University of Ottawa, primarily in the intensive language programs of the English Intensive Program and the West China Professional Development Program as well as holding the position of acting coordinator for the Summer University for FSL/FLS teachers in 2015. Recently, she has joined the Student Academic Success Services’ (SASS) Academic Support Unit as a Learning Consultant. She is delighted to join the Post Secondary Immersion Research Group (PSIRG) in the aims of continuing developing post-secondary immersion research projects in order to positively impact their student experience.

Thierry Simonet

Thierry Simonet

Thierry Simonet is a student in the History program where he is pursuing his Honours B.A. since the fall of 2013. Having spent time in the classroom with French Immersion Studies (FIS) students during his studies, he met Alysse Weinberg, a French immersion Professor. Impressed by the perseverance of these francophile students, Mr. Simonet decided to study the factors of attrition during their immersion learning in the FIS program. He has made this study his main research within the Undergraduate Research Oppotunity Program (UROP) under the supervision of Professor Weinberg. Since then, he is an active member of the Post Secondary Immersion Research Group (PSIRG).