Research groups
The CCERBAL currently supports five active research groups that create and disseminate knowledge, nationally and internationally.
Our research groups

Post Secondary Immersion Research Group (PSIRG)
The creation of French Immersion Studies in 2006 has brought professors to think about challenges regarding immersion at the university level. The research group's aim is to link professors, specialists and eminent researchers in sharing their expertise and contributing to the development of french immersion research in Canada. Members of PSIRG are showcased by their active participation at colloquia and confereces and by publications of the results of their research.

Language Assessment Research Group (LARG)
The Language Assessment Research Group (LARG) is a group of researcher-practitioners from various institutions with expertise in numerous disciplines related to language studies and applied linguistics (such as rhetoric and genre studies; discourse analysis; language policy; language teacher development and classroom practices) whose research interests overlap in the area of language assessment. LARG aims to promote ongoing research collaboration and innovation in all areas of language assessment, including classroom and formative assessment as well as large-scale language examinations.

Language Management Interdisciplinary Research Group (LMIRG)
LMIRG brings together researchers from academia (different faculties at the University of Ottawa as well as other universities) specialists in language policies in the public and private sector. It is an interdisciplinary platform for exchange on policies and language planning. It is a place of reflection on the theoretical and practical links between political and research agendas. It also aims to increase the visibility of research at the University of Ottawa by creating synergies for the joint dissemination of research of its members through seminars and publications. Finally, it provides participation and training opportunities for young researchers and students interested in this field.

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Languages & Technologies (IRGILT)
As a forum for dialogue and action, GRILT's mandate is to share the expertise and professional backgrounds of its members on current research issues related to the development, integration and use of technologies in the language field. At the same time, GRILT aims to disseminate scientific research on mediated contexts and practices in the language sector to the academic community, and to train graduate students in this cutting-edge sector in Canada.

Linguistic Risk-Taking Research Group (LingRisk)
The goals of the Linguistic Risk-Taking Research Group are to support innovative pedagogical approaches to authentic and autonomous language learning; generate and analyze research data related to linguistic risk-taking; engage in various training and knowledge dissemination activities; establish national and international partnerships with like-minded researchers and institutions who seek to promote bilingualism and multilingualism in various contexts; and integrate interdisciplinary perspectives from applied linguistics, education, psychology, health sciences, and beyond.