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Language Assessment Research Group (LARG)
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Recent activities of the LARG
The use of language test scores in university admissions
In the winter and spring of 2024, members of LARG have developed a workshop and accompanying research study tackling common misconceptions about the use of language test scores in university admissions. After successful sessions with undergraduate and graduate admissions decision makers at uOttawa, we plan to expand this workshop to other Canadian universities and the Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada. This work is supported by our OLBI’s Chair in Language Assessment Literacy.

EFL students’ knowledge and perceptions of international english tests
On November 23, 2023, Mojtaba Haydari (postdoctoral student at OLBI) presented his recent research on the applications of text mining, a method used with data from social media platforms in the field of second language assessment research.

Les organisations françaises et leurs certifications linguistiques
On November 30, 2023, Cindy Paola Peña Ramírez (MA BIL graduate, ILOB) presented her recent research on French certification tests as gatekeepers to immigration and professional and academic mobility in Colombia.

Symposium at CCERBAL 2023
Language assessment and migration in Canada: Surveying the landscape
This symposium addressed issues associated with the interfaces between language assessment and migration in Canada, including immigration to Canada through the province of Quebec, language support for newcomers, and impacts of federal government immigration policies.
Organisers: Angel Arias, Carleton University and Beverly Baker, University of Ottawa
Presenters: Angel Arias, Carleton University; Louis-David Bibeau, Université de Montréal; Coral Qin, University of Ottawa
Discussant: Rachelle Vessey, Carleton University

Networking event
International student work-in-progress sessions
On February 17, 2023, LARG organised two free online International Work-in-Progress Sessions for graduate students. During this highly successful event, 20 students were paired with internationally recognised language assessment researchers for mentoring sessions. These sessions were organised with the cooperation of the Graduate Student Assembly of the International Language Testing Association.