Post Secondary Immersion Research Group (PSIRG)
The University of Ottawa has a long history of 2nd language teaching through immersion. The creation of French Immersion Studies in 2006 has given professors the opportunity to further explore the pedagogical and linguistic challenges posed by the delivery of second language instruction through an immersion model at the university level.
PSIRG was founded in December 2014 as a research group of the CCERBAL (Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning) of OLBI at the University of Ottawa.
The goal of this group is to link professors, specialists and eminent researchers in sharing their expertise and contributing to the development of immersion research in Canada at the university level.
Members of PSIRG disseminate their research findings through active participation at colloquia and conferences and the publication of their research.

PSIRG Annual Meeting

Current Issues in University Immersion
Additional resources
Contact us
Post Secondary Immersion Research Group
70 Laurier Avenue East
Room 016
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Tel. : 613-562-5743, Ext: 3465