- In order to be enrolled in a language program, students under 18 years of age must:
- Have a conditional offer from the University of Ottawa; or
- Provide high school transcripts (official school reports listing courses and grades received).
- Their deposit must also be paid in full.
- The Centre for Language Learning will enroll all students who have completed and submitted their online registration form and paid the deposit or tuition fee (depending on the program of choice), approximately 3 weeks to 1 month before the start of the term.
- Diagnostic assessment will be given to all new students in our intensive programs during the first week of term. The Centre for Language Learning reserves the right to move students up or down a level, if necessary, to ensure they are placed in the appropriate proficiency level, increasing the student’s chances of success. The Centre for Language learning also reserves the right to require you to complete additional language courses if necessary.
- Class section placements are final. The goal of these placements is to keep class numbers even and to promote diversity (the inclusion of students from different language and cultural backgrounds) in the classroom. Students with exceptional circumstances may request a placement change by booking a meeting with the Centre’s Academic Services Coordinator, by emailing us at [email protected], or booking in person at our office (101 Hamelin Hall).
- Students who fail the same language level twice may be asked to withdraw from (leave) the program.
- To keep their conditional offers from the University of Ottawa, students must be enrolled in their language program no later than the start date of their conditional admission offer. Students who have conditional offers for the Fall term can, however, start the EIP in the preceding Spring-Summer term.
- The Centre for Language Learning reserves the right to remove students from any program or course at any time should it be determined that their conduct (behaviour) is disruptive (troublemaking) for teaching staff and is interfering with their classmates’ academic performance. Admission to any future terms may be refused for the same reasons.
The academic and administrative regulations for all programs offered by the Centre for Language Learning are outlined below. It is the student’s responsibility to remain informed of these regulations.
Section A: Student registration and fees
Section B: Enrollment and classroom placement
Section C: Academics and attendance
A minimum of 85% attendance is required to pass a course. The 15% of the hours students are allowed to miss include medical appointments and illness. Attendance is counted from the first day of the program. With the exception of religious holidays (see C. 3 below), there are no excused absences.
- Students who arrive after the start of class or after the end of the break will be marked absent for half a class (0.75 hours).
- Students may be excused for religious holidays recognized by the University of Ottawa. This day will not be counted as an absence. Students must advise their teachers in a letter or by email at least 1 week in advance.
- The passing grade is 70% for all language program levels. Students who score 85% or above may be permitted to skip a level, based on teacher recommendations.
- Students must attend all midterm and final exams. Absences will only be excused for medical reasons and require a doctor’s note. Travel is not considered to be an acceptable reason for missing an exam.
- Academic Fraud (cheating) is not tolerated at the University of Ottawa. Engaging in academic fraud can result in severe consequences. For more information, consult the Academic Integrity Policy of the Centre for Language Learning.
- Students enrolled in language programs at the Centre for Language Learning are expected to behave in a mature, respectful, and cooperative manner at all times. This includes attending class regularly and on time, turning off cell phones during class, using only English in class, and behaving in a respectful manner towards classmates, teachers, and administrative staff.
Section D: Make-up courses (Academic Bridging)
To bridge into undergraduate programs, students must be enrolled in ESL 0140, receive a minimum overall grade of 70% and a minimum grade of 70% on the final integrated writing exam. They must also have a minimum attendance of 85%.
Based on their final marks, students may be required to complete one or two of the following bridging condition courses during the first year of their undergraduate program:
- English Intensive Program students:
- ESL 2121: Creating Meaning: Reading to Improve Writing Skills
- ESL 2361: State your Position: Writing with a Purpose
- ESL 2371: Bending the Rule: Oral and Written Grammar at the Advanced Level
Important bridging information for all language program students:
Bridging condition courses DO NOT count towards CGPAs or towards program credits.
Bridging condition courses MUST be completed within 1 academic year (3 terms)
Bridging condition courses MUST receive a passing grade of 70% or B
Students CANNOT ENROLL in ENG classes before they successfully complete all ESL bridging condition courses.
- English Intensive Program students:
Section E: Communication
All official communications from the Centre for Language Learning are sent to students’ @uottawa.ca email accounts. Students are expected to monitor this account on a regular basis.
- Students wishing to meet with the Program Manager or the Academic Services Coordinator must book an appointment at least 24 hours in advance, by emailing the office at: [email protected] or in person at the office (101 Hamelin Hall).
- Students enrolled in the English Intensive Program, Accelerated Academic Bridging in English program, and uOttawa English Experience program are encouraged to speak only English in the classroom. They are also strongly encouraged to speak English at the administrative office, the Julien Couture Resource Centre, and during socio-cultural activities.
- The Centre for Language Learning office cannot legally provide any assistance with study permits and immigration matters. For assistance on immigration matters, please contact the University of Ottawa’s International Office at [email protected] or consult the Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada website.
Section F: Progress reports, forms and requests
Centre for Language Learning will not submit students’ reports or transcripts (official reports on the record of a student, listing courses and grades received) to other universities.
Mailed documents that are returned because of an incorrect mailing address will be given only to the students themselves, in person, or by sending the documents to a new address. Returned mail and/or letters can be picked up exceptionally by a family member or a friend at the written request of the student. A name must be given in advance and the person’s identification will be checked.
Requests for forms or letters must be made directly by the student.