
John Streicker is the Minister repsonsible for the French Language Services Directorate for the Yukon. He is also the Minister of Community Services and the Minister responsible for Yukon Liquor Corporation and for Yukon Lottery Commission.

The French Language Services Directorate supports the departments and crown corporations in the implementation of the Languages Act, by offering advice on the planning and delivery of French services, managing contribution agreements with the federal government and offering translation, revision and coordination services for the French sections of the websites[1].

[1] Government of Yukon, French Language Services Directorate. Page consulted online on February 28, 2021.

Overview of the Laws, Policies and Regulations

The purpose of the Languages Act is to recognize French and increase services in this language and to recognize the importance of Aboriginal languages in the province placing particular emphasis on preserving, enhancing and developing them. The use of English, French or an Aboriginal language is permitted in the debates and proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Laws and regulations are published in English and French and the use of these two languages is permitted before the courts as established by the Legislative Assembly.

Under the Act, any member of the public in the Yukon has the right to communicate with, and to receive available services from, any head or central office of an institution of the Legislative Assembly or of the Government of the Yukon in English or French. Other offices also have linguistic obligations in terms of communication and the delivery of services to the public if there is a significant demand for communications with and services from that office in both English and French or are justified by the nature of the office.