For each of the following documents, you can view remarks, the linguistic significance, linguistic provisions, and the full text.
Year | Title | Affected Legal Entities |
1763 | Treaty of Paris [†] | France and Great Britain |
1763 | Royal Proclamation [†] | Great Britain and Province of Quebec |
1774 | Quebec Act [†] | Great Britain and Province of Quebec |
1791 | Constitution Act, 1791 [†] | Great Britain and Upper Canada/Lower Canada |
1840 | Union Act [†] | Great Britain and United Canada |
1848 | Amendment to the 1840 Union Act [†] | Great Britain and United Canada |
1870 | Manitoba Act (in force) | Canada and Manitoba |
1877 | Northwest Territories Act [†] | Canada and NWT |
1890 | Official Language Act [†] | Manitoba |
1896 | Laurier-Greenway Compromise [†] | Manitoba |
1910 | Lavergne Law [†] | Quebec |
1912 | Regulation 17 [†] | Ontario |
1969 | Official Languages Act [†] | Canadian federal government |
1969 | Official Languages of New Brunswick Act [†] | New Brunswick |
1969 | Act to Promote the French Language in Quebec [†] | Quebec |
1974 | Official Language Act [†] | Quebec |