Two research chairs in language planning renewed

Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
University Research Chair
Language planning
Photo on left : Sylvie Lamoureux,  Photo on right: Christopher Fennell
Photo on left : Sylvie Lamoureux, Photo on right: Christopher Fennell
Two research chairs in language planning renewed

Sylvie Lamoureux, OLBI Full Professor and Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, has had her Research Chair in Language Management renewed for a second term. The many high-profile topics addressed by the Chair will make a major contribution to public debate on language policy in Ontario and elsewhere.

These topics tackled by Lamoureux, who encourages research on francophone communities in a changing world, also fit with many areas the University of Ottawa is focused on, including the francophonie and bilingualism, international collaboration, knowledge mobilization and promotion of more just societies.

The OLBI Research Chair in Language Learning and Acquisition, held by Professor Christopher Fennell of the Faculty of Social Sciences, was also renewed in April. Fennell’s research will help to better understand development and promotion of bilingualism. Both research funds are for five years.