Jérémie Séror awarded the new OLBI Research Chair in Technology-Mediated Language Learning and Artificial Intelligence

By Renée Bélec

Director of marketing and development, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute

Renee Belec
Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
Artificial Intelligence
Language learning
At the intersection of technology and education, Jérémie Séror explores how artificial intelligence is transforming language learning. His research chair examines the impact of emerging technologies on the personalization and adaptation of educational experiences.

In an era where technology is reshaping education, Jérémie Séror is leading the way as the newly appointed Research Chair in Technology-Mediated Language Learning and Artificial Intelligence. His research delves into the transformative capabilities of generative AI for language education, notably its ability to provide personalized, adaptive learning experiences and its affordances for educators seeking to analyze and clarify for learners the unique linguistic patterns central to the texts they work with.

By integrating quantitative and qualitative data, the chair’s activities aim to document the real-world applications of these emerging technologies. Jérémie Séror is particularly interested in AI’s capacity to offer language-specific insights that can forge connections between students’ home languages and the new languages they are acquiring. This cross-linguistic approach enhances understanding while fostering plurilingual skills by prompting learners to draw on their full linguistic repertoire. A key objective will be to identify the competencies educators require to effectively integrate AI-driven tools into their teaching, while also mitigating potential risks.

In partnership with colleagues, research centres, and external partners, this research chair will not only further the strategic goals of OLBI but also contribute to broader policy development, enrich language education practises, and ensure the ethical and inclusive deployment of AI in language classrooms.

Visit Jérémie Séror's webpage

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