Please note that this process is to guide you into choosing the appropriate parking space for your situation. You will find a link to the online purchase software when you are through all the steps.

Before applying online

Before applying online for a parking permit you must make sure to have the following information on hand:

  • Your identifier number (employee number) 
  • Your Info Web password 
  • Your vehicle information (Make, Model and plate #)
  • A valid credit card (MasterCard or Visa) to make the payment of your parking permit

APUO members are asked to apply for their parking permit in person, at the Parking and Sustainable Transportation office, 139 Louis-Pasteur.

Multiyear parking permit


Members of the full-time support and faculty staff, with a uOttawa ID card (available at Tabaret Hall), are eligible for payment of their parking permit through payroll deduction for multiyear permits.

Available locations

Multiyear permits are currently being issued for two locations only: 

  1. Mann garage (Sports Complex), 33 Mann Avenue — $200.70/month
  2. Lot G4, 200 Lees Avenue — $116.44/month

How to apply

If you wish to make your payment through payroll deduction, please show up at the Parking and Sustainable Transportation's office (located at 139 Louis-Pasteur Private) to complete the appropriate form. Our office is open Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. A client parking is available by the entrance.

Waiting lists, permit transfer and suspension

There are no waiting lists currently. However, permit holders have the option to request transfers, and in such cases, they will be added to a waiting list. For instance, permit holders for the Mann garage can request a transfer to another parking location. Transfers become possible when a staff or faculty member returns their permit to the Parking office due to reasons such as leaving their job or retiring.

The multiyear permit does not have an expiry date. You must return the multiyear permit if you leave the University of Ottawa, if your contract is expired or if you no longer need the permit.

If you must be absent from the University for a minimum of three months, you may request that your permit be suspended until your return. To do so, you must return your parking permit to the Parking and Sustainable Transportation Office, before you leave.

You are responsible for all costs associated with the permit until it is returned to the Parking and Sustainable Transportation Office. In the case that the permit would be lost, a fee of $53,10 will be necessary to replace your parking pass. 

Parking permit by location

Permits are subject to availability per lot. You might end up having to choose a different location once logged into the online purchasing system.

  • One Session (Fall, Winter, Spring-Summer)
  • Academic Year (September - April)
  • Full Year (May - April)

Exterior Lot or Garage

Outdoor (see map)

HST not included

One Session$535.60
Academic Year$1,071.19
Full Year$1,606.79

Garages (Brooks, Soloway, Pérez and Mann) (see map)

HST not included

One Session$710.46
Academic Year$1,420.92
Full Year$2,131.38

Evenings (see map)

Valid from 16:00 to 23:00, in external parking lots and in the Mann and Desmarais garages. However, the evening permit is not valid at metered parking and at 100 Marie-Curie. 

HST not included

One Session (Fall, Winter, Spring-Summer)$277.16
Academic Year (September - April)$554.32
Full Year (May - April)$831.47