Approved Administrative Committee 327.8
- The purpose of this policy is to establish regulations relative to the temporary interruption of the activities of a faculty, school or service and the treatment of the members of the support staff in such circumstances.
- Because certain essential functions must be carried out around the clock throughout the entire year, the University, for all practical purposes, never closes completely or interrupts all of its services except in very exceptional circumstances. Only the Rector or his substitute may decide on the measures to be taken.
- Even if the University does not interrupt all its activities, either day or evening classes, either on or off campus, may be cancelled in certain special circumstances. Only the Vice-rector, Academic, or his substitute may make such a decision. In general, this would not have any bearing on the regular work of the support staff.
- The activities of a faculty, school or service may be interrupted either partially or completely, in exceptional circumstances such as a disaster, a break-down in air ventilation, a prolonged electrical failure, etc. The deans and directors or their substitutes may make such a decision. In case of a bomb threat or similar risk to personnel, it is incumbent upon the person in authority in the building (see appendix) to decide whether or not an evacuation, partial or complete, will take place. His or her decision will be based upon information and recommendations supplied by the Protection Service. Marketing and Communications Service and the Office of the Vice-rector, Academic will be kept informed by the person in authority in the building in order that media inquiries be handled effectively.
- During major snow storms, the University will participate in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton Snow Emergency Program. If municipal authorities declare a state of emergency, the University's Central Administration will propose a plan of action to the academic and administrative units. The discretionary powers set out in article 4 are therefore applied in light of the decision to be taken by the Central Administration; these decisions take into account University academic activities and our participation in the snow emergency program.
- Should the University's activities be partially or totally interrupted, as a result of exceptional circumstances, the following conditions, as the case may be, are to be applied to the support staff:
- if the University asks employees to leave their work or refrain from coming to work, regular remuneration is not affected. Employees who stay on the job at the request of the dean/director will continue to receive their regular basic salary.
- if the University decides to lay-off employees, their regular pay will be interrupted during the lay-off period. Such a decision, which is taken only in exceptional circumstances, must be in compliance with existing laws, procedures and regulations. Employees asked to remain on the job, or called back to work by the University, would receive their regular pay.
- Because of special circumstances which would justify it, deans or directors may allow employees to leave work earlier or arrive later than prescribed by regulations. In such cases, the employee must compensate for the absence with overtime work within the following three months or by using annual vacation leave credits.
- The director of Human Resources Service is responsible for interpreting this policy. The application of this policy is the joint responsibility of faculty and service management and the director of Human Resources Service.
- The present policy applies to employees and(or) situations not covered by provisions of a collective agreement.
- No exception may be made to this policy without the written approval of the Vice-rector, Resources.
Revised December 8, 1999
(Human Resources Service)
Arts (70 Laurier Avenue) - The Dean, Faculty of Arts
Brooks Residence - The Director, Housing Services
Colonel By - The Dean, Faculty of Engineering
D'Iorio - The Dean, Faculty of Science
Fauteux - The Deans, Common Law or Civil Law
Gendron - The Dean, Faculty of Science
Jock Turcot - The Director General, Student Affairs, University Centre
538 King Edward Avenue - The Director, Bureau for International Cooperation
554 King Edward Avenue - The Dean, Faculty of Arts
550 King Edward Avenue - The Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences
585 King Edward Avenue - The Dean, Faculty of Science
600 King Edward Avenue - The Dean, Faculty of Arts
703-705 King Edward Avenue - Fraternities
Lamoureux - The Dean, Faculty of Education
100 Laurier Avenue - The Dean, Faculty of Arts
190 Laurier Avenue - The Assistant Vice-rector, Alumni and Development
Le Cube - The Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Leblanc - The Director, Housing Services
139 Louis Pasteur - The Director, Materials Management Services
141 Louis Pasteur - The Director, Physical Resources Service or the Director, Protection Services
MacDonald - The Dean, Faculty of Science
33 Mann - The Director, Physical Resources Service
Marchand - The Director, Housing Services
100 Marie Curie - The Director, Health Services
Marion - The Dean, Faculty of Science
Minto Arena (255 Henderson) - The Director, Sports Services
Montpetit - The Director, Sports Services or the Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences or the Director, Computing and Communications Services1
Morisset - The Chief Librarian
Pérez - The Dean, Faculty of Arts
Power Plant - The Director, Physical Resources Service
Roger Guindon - The Dean, Faculty of Medicine or the Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences
110 Séraphin Marion - The Director, Computing and Communications Services
115 Séraphin Marion (Hagen Hall) - The Dean, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
133 Séraphin Marion - The Dean, Faculty of Arts
135 Séraphin Marion - The Dean, Faculty of Arts
143 Séraphin Marion - The Director, Women's Studies Program
145, 147, 155, 157 Séraphin Marion - The Dean, Faculty of Arts
Simard - The Dean, Faculty of Arts
Stanton - The Director, Housing Services
Tabaret - The Rector (All areas)
43 Templeton - The Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
100 Thomas More - The Director, Housing Services (including Parking and Traffic Division and Bernadette Child Care Centre)
1NOTE: If the bomb is reported in an area outside of Sports Services the person in authority becomes the dean or director responsible for the faculty or service involved.
Thompson - The Director, Housing Services or the Director, Computing and Communications Services
120 University - The Director, Student Support Services
Vachon - The Dean, Faculty of Science
Vanier - The Dean, Faculty of Administration
200 Wilbrod - The Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
When the threat is directed to a building or an area not listed here, the decision rests with the person responsible for that sector at the time.
After normal working hours and where it is impossible or difficult to reach the person in authority, the decision to evacuate would be taken by the Protection Services.