Environmental Management

Approved Administrative Committee 1301.4


This policy is currently under review.


The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the University fulfils its legal obligations for the protection of the environment, through the appropriate assignment of responsibilities throughout the University, and establishment of directives, procedures and standards.

This Policy should be read in conjunction with Policy 77 (Occupational Health and Safety Policy) and 72 (Environmental Policy).


For the purposes of this Policy, the following terms and definitions shall apply:

  • "environment" shall mean all areas within the University, both indoors and outdoors, where teaching, research, administrative, or other workplace functions are carried out;

  • "person" shall mean professor, visiting professor, principal investigator, co-investigator, support staff and student, whether or not the student is the recipient of a salary, bursary, scholarship or other compensation from the University or an external source;

  • "WHMIS" shall mean the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System.


The Environmental Protection Act of Ontario is the principal environmental statute in this Province. The statute imposes general and specific duties for environmental protection on individuals and corporations where operations and activities may adversely affect the environment. A number of regulations impose specific requirements such as the management of hazardous wastes, air emissions, and discharges into water. Activities that are contrary to the Act or its regulations may subject the University and individual employees and students to legal action.

A number of federal, provincial and municipal statutes, regulations and by-laws with direct or indirect purviews for environmental protection have a similar impact, and are of equal importance in defining University and faculty or service directives, procedures and standards. It is the general policy of the University to comply with all applicable environmental statutes, regulations, codes, by-laws, and guidelines, as listed in Schedule 1 to this Policy and updated from time to time. The University may establish standards where government regulations are non-existent.

The University recognizes that the protection of the environment is a shared responsibility, between the Board of Governors, the Administrative Committee, management, professors, principal investigators, support staff, and students.


1. All persons shall comply with directives, procedures and standards established for an activity, by the University, the faculty or service, or by governmental regulatory agencies.

2. All persons shall exercise all reasonable care in activities that may pose a risk to the environment.

3. All persons shall cooperate with University and governmental regulatory authorities charged with the responsibility of conducting inspections, audits or investigations, in accordance with specified policies and procedures.


4.a) A person who will be engaged in an activity that requires training under Schedule 2 shall participate at the earliest possible date. Appropriate environmental health and safety supervision, instructions, manuals and other documentation relevant to the activity, shall be provided by the principal investigator, supervisor or other persons in authority until required training has been undertaken.

4.b) Schedule 2 sets out the required training according to the nature of the activity. Schedule 2 is not meant to be an exhaustive list of required training. Consequently, the University, a dean or director or his/her delegate may require that a person undergo other training depending on the nature of the activity and depending on the environmental health and safety risks it entails. Such other training shall become required training pursuant to Schedule 2 and the force of this Policy shall apply to it.

4.c) Upon request, the University, a dean or director or his/her delegate may exempt a person from attending a required training session if the exemption is permitted by law and if the person has demonstrated proficiency in the content of the required training session or has successfully undergone training equivalent to the required training set out in Schedule 2.


5. The Administrative Committee is responsible for:

  • a) providing direction to deans of faculties and directors of services based on resolutions of the Committee on Health, Safety and the Environment of the Board of Governors and recommendations made by the Management Committee on the Environment;

  • b) providing management support towards the establishment and maintenance of environmental management systems within faculties or services;

  • c) ensuring that resources are adequate to support the environmental management system;

  • d) urging deans and directors towards the establishment and maintenance of environmentally sound practices within faculties and services; and

  • e) taking whatever steps deemed necessary to safeguard the University, as a corporate entity, as well as its employees and students.

6. Deans and directors are responsible for:

  • a) developing, establishing, and maintaining objectives, plans, directives, guidelines, and procedures necessary to ensure adherence to this Policy and encourage environmentally sound practices applicable to his/her respective faculty or service;

  • b) allocating sufficient resources to ensure the effective operation of environmental management programs at the faculty/service level, or, requesting additional resources from the Administrative Committee where circumstances so necessitate;

  • c) monitoring adherence with directives, guidelines, procedures and standards related to activities or operations that may affect the environment;

  • d) taking corrective action, within their scope of authority, as soon as they are made aware of a circumstance involving non-adherence to this Policy or any procedures, laws and by-laws;

  • e) urging those persons under their authority towards developing and adopting environmentally sound practices.

7. Chairpersons of departments are responsible for:

  • a) supporting implementation, maintenance and monitoring of faculty directives and this Policy at the departmental level;

  • b) establishing department specific procedures where appropriate;

  • c) instituting corrective action for environmental issues within their scope of delegated authority from their dean; and

  • d) providing periodic environmental performance status reports to their dean.

8. Professors and principal investigators are responsible for:

  • a) communicating guidelines, procedures and standards in teaching and research activities that they supervise and for ensuring compliance to this Policy, faculty directives, and departmental procedures, laws and by-laws;

  • b) where necessary, developing and establishing specific procedures for activities under their authority, in support of faculty directives, departmental procedures, and in conformity with external agency requirements.

9. Co-investigators and visiting professors using University facilities shall comply with this Policy and with directives, procedures and guidelines issued by the principal investigator, faculty, department or the University.

10. Supervisory employees are responsible for ensuring compliance with directives, procedures, standards, and guidelines established for their respective faculty or service.

11. The Environmental Health and Safety Service is responsible for:

  • a) assisting faculties and services in assessing, establishing, implementing, and monitoring of environmental management programs, plans, and procedures, in light of legal and due diligence requirements;

  • b) monitoring external regulatory developments;

  • c) monitoring, evaluating, and auditing the effectiveness of the environmental management system;

  • d) communicating regulatory developments and information to the University community;

  • e) acting on behalf of the University in all communication and exchanges with regulatory agencies concerned with environmental compliance;

  • f) developing and delivering core environmental health and safety training programs throughout the University;

  • g) providing overall coordination of environmental programs and activities;

  • h) developing environmental health and safety standards and guidelines for application throughout the University; and

  • i) communicating non-compliance situations to the Administrative Committee, the Board of Governors and management where appropriate.


12. No person shall be disciplined, penalized, coerced, dismissed, or suspended because he or she has, in a non-frivolous manner, complied with this Policy, or procedures and standards thereunder; or an environmental statute, or regulations thereunder.


13. Subject to the applicable collective agreement or other University policies, deans and directors are responsible for determining appropriate disciplinary measures for non-adherence to this Policy, faculty or service guidelines, directives, or procedures.


14. The Director of the Environmental Health and Safety Service is responsible for the interpretation of this Policy.


15. No exception may be made to this Policy without the written consent of the Administrative Committee.

Revised November 24, 1999

(Environmental Health and Safety Service)



  • Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act

  • Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act

  • Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

  • Explosives Act

  • Export and Import Permits Act

  • Fisheries Act

  • Hazardous Products Act

  • Health of Animals Act

  • Nuclear Safety and Control Act

  • Pest Control Products Act

  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act


  • Anatomy Act

  • Animals for Research Act
  • Boilers and Pressure Vessels Act
  • Building Code Act
  • Dangerous Goods Transportation Act
  • Dead Animals Disposal Act
  • Energy Act
  • Environmental Assessment Act
  • Gasoline Handling Act
  • Environmental Protection Act
  • Fire Protection and Prevention Act
  • Health Protection and Promotion Act
  • Municipal Act
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Ontario Water Resources Act
  • Pesticides Act
  • Weed Control Act



Use of radioactive materialsRadiation Safety
Use of hazardous materials in laboratoriesWHMIS for Laboratories
All employeesBasic WHMIS
Working in laboratoriesLaboratory Safety
Working with microbiological agentsLaboratory Biosafety
Working with flammable liquidsSpills Response
Employees responsible for shipping and receiving of dangerous goodsTransportation of Dangerous Goods