Approval Authorities

Date Effective: 2019-07-01
Authorized by: Administration Committee

The Individual and Authorized Approver’s signature certifies that the University Business expense(s) reimbursement complies with Policy 21 and Related Procedures. The following table illustrates the approval workflow under Policy 21 and Related Procedures:

IndividualAuthorized Approver
Members of the Board of Governors or its committeesSecretary-General
PresidentChair, Board of Governors
Head of Units (Deans, Vice-Provosts, Deputy Provost, Associate Vice-Presidents)Vice-President
Principal InvestigatorAny individual within the Unit who is one or more position levels above
Any individual charging a research projectPrincipal investigator (PI) or formally documented delegate.
Any other individual not listedAny individual with management and budget authority over the Individual, and who is one or more position levels above

(Office of the Associate Vice-President, Financial Resources)