The Learning Futures Community of Practice provides a space for the exchange of ideas and strategies about our use of digital technologies to improve and add to our individual and collective campus experience.

How to get involved

The Learning Futures Community of Practice brings together faculty, staff and students who share a concern, curiosity, or passion for digital innovation and transformation and want to explore it with others. We will share existing knowledge, generate new knowledge, connect colleagues throughout our campus and enable collaborative actions around a common purpose. We hope that you will join us as we grow, experiment and evolve.


Following the launch and the first two meetings of the Learning Futures Community of Practice, we held our third meeting on May 23, 2024.

This meeting featured presentations from digital innovation leaders:

To contact us or to obtain more information on our Community of Practice: [email protected]

Group of people at a table, listening to someont speaking in front of them
two colleagues chatting around a table.
Group of people sitting at tables during an event.
Kevin Kee speaking to a group of professors.
Two professors participating in community of practice workshop.
Two professors working together at the community of practice workshop.

Ongoing Consultations

For the past year the Senior Advisor and his team have been listening to professor, staff and student colleagues in meetings and consultations sessions. These conversations are ongoing. Stay tuned to learn more about what we have heard, and the steps we will take to ensure that emerging technologies enhance the learning experience of our students.

More information

Digital strategy and learning innovation

For more information about the Learning Futures Fund, please contact Kevin Kee, the Senior Advisor, Digital Strategy and Learning Innovation, by sending him an e-mail.