Robert Marleau
Robert Marleau
DUniv. 2001

Parliamentary expert Robert Marleau retired in January after 31 years of parliamentary service, 13 of which were spent as clerk of the House of Commons. Marleau left a rich legacy of achievement, including the guide book, House of Commons Procedure and Practice, which he co-authored with then-clerk-assistant Camille Montpetit.

A Franco-Ontarian and a graduate of the University of Ottawa, Marleau saw Parliament as more than a building made of stone and mortar — for him, it was a gathering place for Canadians, a place to builda nation.

He launched his career in 1970, working first as a committee clerk, quickly became accustomed to parliamentary procedure, joined the parliamentary relations secretariat and eventually occupied such positions as assistant secretary general, principal clerk and clerk assistant before being named, at the age of 39, clerk of the House of Commons. As such, he was also special advisor to the Speaker of the House. His international assignments included serving as president of the parliamentary management committee for parliamentary co-operation with Russia and involvement with developing parliamentary co-operation with African Commonwealth countries. He also participated in missions to Hong Kong and Cuba.