To help it fulfil its mission, the selection committee has retained the services of the executive search firm Boyden Canada, following an open selection process based on clearly-defined selection criteria.

Boyden Canada

During the selection process for the new president and vice-chancellor, Boyden Canada will be responsible for contacting those approached regarding the position and for presenting appropriate candidates to the selection committee.

If you wish to apply for the position, have questions about the position or would like to suggest a candidate, email Eric Lathrop or Marie-Hélène Gaudreault.

Give us your thoughts

With a view to recruiting the next president and vice-chancellor of the University of Ottawa, we would like your thoughts and suggestions on the profile of the ideal candidate.

To do so, we invite you to complete this short survey before Monday, December 16, 2024.

The selection committee has retained the services of Boyden, an executive search firm, to assist it in its mission and to ensure the confidentiality of responses to the survey. The committee members will only receive a summary of the results; hence, your answers will remain anonymous.

If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to Eric Lathrop or Marie-Hélène Gaudreault.

We thank you in advance for your participation.