Submit a request
To help us respond quickly to your request, please ensure that you follow the guidelines associated with your type of activity and complete the appropriate form.
Internal activity or internal service request
Your activity has a uOttawa-related purpose (teaching, research, administration, training or development), and it is organized and supervised by a faculty, an academic unit or an administrative service.
NOTE: Our office now accepts classroom reservation requests on uOcampus for Internal activities. If you require more information on how to proceed, send us an email and request access to our uOcampus Reservation Toolkit.
Student group activity
Your activity is run by a student club, association or service recognized by either the University Of Ottawa Students' Union (UOSU) or the Graduate Student Association of the University of Ottawa (GSAED). You must register through CVUO (Campus Vibez uOttawa) website to access the online management portal VEMS.
External activity
Your activity does not have a uOttawa related purpose. You are an individual, group or organization that is external from uOttawa and seeking to reserve a uOttawa facility.
IMPORTANT: Due to our limited resources and high workload, we are focusing our efforts on our internal and student group activities. External activities will not be processed or hosted on campus until January 2023.
Sponsored activity
You are an external client, and your activity is sponsored by a uOttawa faculty. You will have to provide us with a letter from the relevant uOttawa dean or director how your activity will benefit the University or students, and your partnership with uOttawa. Certain conditions apply.