The University is committed to providing persons with disabilities the same opportunity to access its services in the same location and in a similar way as these services are available to all others we serve.


  • Services provided to the university community: The Customer service standard applies to every designated public sector organization and to any other person or organization providing goods or services to members of the public or other third parties and that has at least one employee in Ontario.
  • Educational services: Education, in its broadest sense, is a “service” within the meaning of the Ontario Human Rights Code. At the higher levels of education, the scope of formal “educational services” include the mastery of knowledge, academic standards, evaluation and accreditation. (Source: Guidelines on accessible education(2004) – Ontario Human Rights Commission).

Roles and responsibilities

Contact us

Human Rights Office

1 Stewart St.
(Main Floor – Room 121)
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5222
Fax: 613-562-5964
Email: [email protected]

Office hours

Monday to Friday, from 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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