When procuring goods, services, facilities, self-service kiosks they design or buy, the University shall incorporate accessibility criteria and features, unless it is not feasible (practicable). If not practicable, the University shall provide an explanation, upon request.
Who is subject to this standard?
This standard applies to all University employees responsible for procuring or acquiring goods, services or facilities. This includes the director of Procurement, assistant directors and procurement officers, chief administrative officers, regional procurement officers and employees responsible for decentralized purchasing at faculties and services.
Since January 1, 2013, when procuring or acquiring goods and services and acquiring or designing facilities or self-service kiosks, all uOttawa employees must:
- Incorporate accessibility design, criteria and features, except where meeting the requirement is not practicable (e.g., technological incompatibility between current products and ones being procured)
- Provide an explanation, on request, as to why accessibility design, criteria and features were not practicable to incorporate into the procurement (e.g., an accessible good, service or facility is not available)
Where can I learn more?