Services for employers and partners
Tap into a skilled, highly motivated workforce by hiring a University of Ottawa student! Hiring a student allows you to influence the growing potential of Canada’s youth in the workforce. You can enhance a student’s training and qualifications, while benefitting from the student's support.
We offer structured programs for both volunteer and paid work opportunities.
We offer structured programs for both volunteer and paid work opportunities.
Recruitment assistance
Co-op employers

Co-operative education is a three-way partnership between the University, students and employers. Students apply their classroom knowledge in a series of four-month work terms. You, the employer, will be enhancing a student’s training while reaping the unique benefits of hiring through the co-op program.
Contact us
For talent recruitment opportunities and networking events: [email protected]
For more information about our co-op program or to hire co-op students: [email protected]
Community Partners
For more information about our community engagement program or to become a community partner: [email protected]