It's never been more affordable to hire a uOttawa student! Co-operative Education funding programs are available to businesses hiring students enrolled in a recognized co-op education program.

Student Work Placement Program (SWPP)

The Student Work Placement Program (SWPP), administered by Employment and Social Development Canada, is funding co-op work placements.

And SWPP funding has temporarily become more flexible, so if you didn't qualify in the past, you should consider applying now.

Employers must apply through the SWPP partners listed below, according to their industry.

Some SWPP partners are developing a pre-approval checklist so you can find out whether your organization is eligible for funding before going through the hiring process.

Confirmed SWPP partners:

BioTalent Canada

BioTalent Canada

Targeted sectors: Bio-economy (bio-health, bioenergy, bio-industrial, agri/biotech), healthcare

Types of organizations: Private sector companies and parapublic organizations where students are fulfilling a bio-economy or healthcare job function

Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council

Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC)

Targeted sectors: Agriculture sector and sectors related to agriculture operations

Types of organizations: Work placements in the agriculture sector, targeting students in both agriculture-related programs and disciplines not related to agriculture, with a focus on under-represented groups

Canadian Council for Aviation & Aerospace (CCAA)

Canadian Council for Aviation & Aerospace (CCAA)

Targeted sectors: Aviation and aerospace industry

Types of organizations: Aviation or aerospace organizations

Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA)

Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA)

Targeted sectors: Screen Content production industry

Types of organizations: Work placements in companies engaged in the development, production and distribution of content for TV, feature film and digital media channels

Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council

Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council

Targeted sectors: Tourism and hospitality sectors

Types of organizations: Employers representing all facets of the visitor economy: accommodations, food and beverage services, culinary, recreation, entertainment, culture, events, transportation, travel services, and more

Cultural Human Resources Council

Cultural Human Resources Council

Targeted sectors: Arts and cultural sector, focusing on relevant needed skill sets in the sector, including technology and business

Types of organizations: Organizations in Canada within the cultural sector, both for-profit and non-for-profit. This includes Live Performing Arts; Writing and Publishing; Visuals Arts and Crafts; Film, Television and Broadcasting; Digital Media; Music and Sound Recording; Heritage; Cultural Management; Career Management and Export Marketing

ECO Canada Co-op Program

ECO Canada Co-op Program

Targeted sectors: Environmental sector (example: an organization working in the environmental sector has an environmental division or a non-environment company working on environmental projects)

Types of organizations: Private companies and consulting firms that are Canadian owned or Canadian subsidiaries, NGOs, Universities (must provide full-time work for a 12–16 week term)

Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC)

Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC)

Targeted sectors: Generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power

Types of organizations: Canadian or Canadian owned firms engaged in:

  • The generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power
  • Sector support including renewables, in any of the following areas: R & D, business development, energy efficiency
  • Manufacturing of equipment and the provision of services necessary to the generation
EMC logo

Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC)

Targeted sectors: Manufacturing

Types of organizations: Private sector organizations that have manufacturing activities (if they are related to the manufacturing industry) and professors/researchers who do not have other federal government funding and work with partners in manufacturing

Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ)

Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ)

Targeted sectors: All sectors except banking industry

Types of organizations: All private companies and not for profit organizations except Banking industry that are registered in the Province of Quebec

Food Processing Skills Canada

Food Processing Skills Canada

Targeted sectors: Food and beverage processing industry

Types of organizations: Work placements should be related to food and beverage manufacturing and related sectors (targeting 75% under-represented students)

Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC)

Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC)

Targeted sectors: Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Types of organizations: Advanced manufacturing, intelligent retailing, FINTECH, e-health, clean technology, artificial intelligence and cyber security, Big Data, connected transportation, and entertainment and gaming.

*Open to applications from employers within other emerging high growth technologies, or companies outside of the technology industry provided the role is IT related.

Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR)

Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR)

Targeted sectors: Mining

Types of organizations: Private sector environmental and engineering consulting organizations (if they have a relation to the mining industry) and professors/researchers who do not have other government funding.

TOP logo

Talent Opportunity Program (TOP)

Targeted sectors: All sectors

Types of organizations: Employers must be a registered Canadian business or not-for-profit organization, may be located anywhere in Canada.


TECHNATION (formally named ITAC)

Targeted sectors: All sectors and all students - student's work must have a tech component

Types of organizations: Private, NGO, NPO

Trucking Human Resources Canada

Trucking Human Resources Canada

Targeted sectors: All truck transportation and logistics sectors

Types of organizations: Organizations within the truck transportation and logistics industry

* The placement must be in the trucking or logistics sector or fulfilling a trucking and logistics job function.

Venture for Canada

Venture for Canada

Targeted sectors: Aviation and aerospace industry

Types of organizations:

  • SME, start-up, social enterprise, non-profit, or charity
  • Located in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or Newfoundland and Labrador.  
  • Organization has 1 - 500 employees.
  • Able to provide an internship opportunity that allows our motivated interns to contribute to new initiatives or add new value to your organization. All industries welcome!