Follow these steps to access applicants resume and schedule your interviews on the COOP Navigator.

Step 1: Once in the Navigator, hover over the “Jobs” tab and select Search.

Step 2: Select the Search button again.

Step 3: Under the “Applicants” column (for the applicable round), select the number of applicants. The page will refresh with the list of applicants. 

COOP Navigator - Interview section

Step 4: To view the applicant resumés, select each student’s name or each box. To view all resumés at once, select Download Resumés from the ‘Options’ menu (zip file download).

Step 5: Select the box for each student you wish to interview. From the “Options” menu, select Create Interview Request.

Step 6: In the “Interviewers” tab, include the name, phone number and email address of every interviewer. After each entry, select the Add interviewer button. To move to the next tab, select Save and continue.

COOP Navigator - Applicant tab

Step 7: Under the “Interview parameters” tab, fill out all the mandatory fields (red asterisks):

a.    Method
b.    Application
c.    Type
d.    Duration (minutes)
e.    Buffer between interviews

Step 8: To move to the next tab, select the Save and continue button. 

COOP Navigator - Interview parameters tab

Step 9: In the “Availability” tab, under the “Add availabilities” section, add the interviewers’ availabilities separately for each day.

Step 10: Complete the following fields and select “Add Availability”:

a.    Date
b.    Start time
c.    End time

Step 11: Optionally, specify your preferences for morning and/or afternoon break times. Also, enter the “Lunch break duration (minutes).”

Step 12: To move to the next tab, select the Save and continue button.

Step 13: Your CO-OP placement operations coordinator will receive an email and schedule the interviews and you will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter.

Step 14: Go under the summary tab, review your request, and then click on “send interview request”.

COOP Nav - Interview parameters tab