BCH2333 |
Introduction to Biochemistry |
(3,0,3.5) 3 cr. |
The chemistry and biological properties of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids carbohydrates, and vitamins. The course includes laboratory and tutorial sessions describing experimental techniques used in Biochemistry. Priority given to students for whom this course is mandatory. Previously BCH2140 + BCH2336 |
Prerequisites: CHM2120 |
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BCH2733 |
Introduction � la biochimie |
(3,0,3.5) 3 cr. |
Les propri�t�s chimiques et biologiques des acides amin�s, des prot�ines, des acides nucl�iques, des lipides, des hydrates de carbone et des vitamines. Le cours comprend un laboratoire et des tutorats qui d�crivent des techniques exp�rimentales biochimiques. Priorit� est donn�e aux �tudiants pour lesquels ce cours est obligatoire. Ant�rieurement BCH2540 + BCH2736 |
Pr�alables : CHM2520 |
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BCH3120 |
General Intermediary Metabolism |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
The properties of enzymes, bioenergetics, the metabolic and nutritional role of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids. |
Prerequisite: BCH2333 |
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BCH3125 |
Protein Structure and Function |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Protein structure, with an emphasis on modern physical methods used for its study. Advanced enzyme kinetics. Mechanisms of enzyme action. Regulation of enzyme activity. Introduction to protein engineering. |
Prerequisite: BCH2333. |
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BCH3170 |
Molecular Biology |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Gene structure, action and replication: cellular regulation, allosteric properties of proteins, molecular basis of membrane function and control of cell growth. Cannot be combined for credits with BIO3170. |
Prerequisite: BCH2333, BIO2133. |
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BCH3346 |
Biochemistry Laboratory II |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Experiments related to intermediary metabolism and physical biochemistry. Priority given to students for whom this course is compulsory. |
Prerequisites: BCH2333. |
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BCH3356 |
Molecular Biology Laboratory |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Basic techniques in molecular biology (recombinant DNA, vectors, plasmids, gene screening, protein analysis) and their use in genetic engineering and cloning research. This course cannot be combined for credit with BIO3151. Priority given to students for whom this course is compulsory. |
Prerequisite: BCH2333: Corequisite: BCH3170 or BIO3170. |
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BCH3520 |
M�tabolisme interm�diaire g�n�ral |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Propri�t�s des enzymes, bio�nerg�tique, le r�le m�tabolique et nutritionnel des acides amin�s, glucides et lipides. |
Pr�alable : BCH2733. |
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BCH3525 |
Structure et fonctions des prot�ines |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Structure des prot�ines et m�thodes physiques modernes servant � l'�tudier. Cin�tique enzymatique avanc�e. M�canismes catalytiques enzymatiques. R�gulation de l'activit� enzymatique. Introduction � l'ing�nierie des prot�ines. |
Pr�alable : BCH2733. |
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BCH3570 |
Biologie mol�culaire |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
R�le, structure et r�plication des g�nes, r�gulation cellulaire, propri�t�s allost�riques des prot�ines, croissance cellulaire et fonction mol�culaire au niveau de la membrane (les cours BIO 3570 et BCH 3570 sont mutuellement exclusifs). |
Pr�alable: BCH2733, BIO2533. |
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BCH3746 |
Laboratoire de biochimie II |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Travaux pratiques dans les domaines du m�tabolisme interm�diaire et de la biochimie physique. Priorit� accord�e aux �tudiants et �tudiantes pour qui ce cours est obligatoire. |
Pr�alables : BCH2733. |
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BCH3756 |
Laboratoire de biologie mol�culaire |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Travaux pratiques en biologie mol�culaire (ADN recombinant, vecteurs, plasmides, criblage g�n�tique, analyse des prot�ines) et utilisation de ces m�thodes pour l'ing�nierie g�n�tique et pour le clonage des g�nes. Les cours BCH3756 et BIO3551 sont mutuellement exclusifs. Priorit� accord�e aux �tudiants et �tudiantes pour qui ce cours est obligatoire. |
Pr�alable: BCH2733: Concomitant: BCH3570 ou BIO3570. |
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BCH3901 |
Rapport de stage co-op I / Co-op work term report I |
3 cr. |
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BCH3902 |
Rapport de stage co-op II / Co-op work term report II |
3 cr. |
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BCH4040 |
Projet de recherche - biochimie / Honours Research - Biochemistry |
(0,0,9) 9 cr. |
Un projet de recherche de deux sessions se fera sous la direction d'un professeur d�sign� par le D�partement de biochimie, microbiologie et immunologie. Les r�sultats des travaux de recherche seront pr�sent�s sous forme d'affiche; aussi, un rapport de recherche sera soumis. Cours contingent�. |
Pr�alable : L'�tudiant doit avoir compl�t� les exigences du B.Sc. avec concentration en biochimie et avoir conserv� une MPC minimale de 6. |
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BCH4122 |
Macromolecules |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
An advanced course on recent findings concerning the molecular structure of proteins and structure-function relationships, with particular emphasis on protein folding and the interactions of proteins with proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and other molecules. |
Prerequisite: BCH3125. |
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BCH4123 |
Pathological Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
An introduction to the study of pathological processes as they relate to clinical chemistry laboratory practice. The students will be introduced to the major pathological processes that result in altered biochemical parameters so as to understand the application of tests performed in a clinical chemistry laboratory. |
Prerequisite: BCH3120. |
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BCH4125 |
Cellular Regulation and Control |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
An advanced course on the biochemistry of hormones and growth factors and their molecular action in metabolic and physiological regulation including the structure of biological membranes and their role in processes such as signal transduction. |
Prerequisite: BCH3120 or BIO3153. |
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BCH4130 |
Normal Human Nutrition |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Studies of nutrients essential to humans and their requirements. Not necessarily offered every year. |
Prerequisite: BCH3120. |
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BCH4171 |
Advanced Nutrition in the Diseased and Normal States |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
An advanced course in nutritional biochemistry emphasizing the role of nutrients in disease and the methodology for critical evaluation of the literature. Not necessarily offered every year. |
Prerequisite: BCH3120. |
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BCH4172 |
Topics in Biotechnology |
(1.5,0,0) 3 cr. |
A lecture and seminar course on the application of molecular biology to the field of biotechnology. Areas to be discussed include the properties of gene cloning and expression systems, the use of vectors for gene cloning in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and the production of proteins in heterologous hosts. Invited speakers will describe various advances in biotechnology. Cannot be combined for credit with BIO 4174. |
Prerequisite: BCH3170 or BIO3170 Cannot be combined for credit with BIO4174. |
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BCH4901 |
Rapport de stage co-op III / Co-op work term report III |
3 cr. |
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BCH4902 |
Raport de stage co-op IV / Co-op work term report IV |
3 cr. |
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BCH4932 |
S�minaire de Biochimie / Biochemistry Seminar |
3 cr. |
Les �tudiants du programme de sp�cialis� approfondi en biochimie pr�sentent des s�minaires sur des sujets choisis. La permission du d�partement est requise. |
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