1901 1902 2101 2501 2901 2902 3102 3502 3901 3902
CHN1901 Cours élémentaire de chinois I / Introduction to Chinese I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Introduction to modern Mandarin Chinese: phonetic symbols, basic vocabulary and grammatical structures; introduction to some written characters.
Course intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Chinese.
CHN1902 Cours élémentaire de chinois II / Introduction to Chinese II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Further development of grammatical knowledge, vocabulary, conversation and reading skills.
Prerequisite: CHN1901 or equivalent.
CHN2101 Modern Chinese Culture (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Developments and changes in Chinese society, culture, and politics seen through the arts, literature and major political events, such as the advent of Communism and the Cultural Revolution.
No knowledge of Chinese is required.
CHN2501 Culture chinoise moderne (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Étude de la société chinoise contemporaine. Grands courants et changements littéraires, artistiques et politiques tels que le communisme et la Révolution culturelle.
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue chinoise.
CHN2901 Cours intermédiaire de chinois I / Intermediate Chinese I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Development of speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.
Prerequisite: CHN1902 or equivalent.
CHN2902 Cours intermédiaire de chinois II_ / Intermediate Chinese II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
In-depth study of grammar, oral and written practice.
Prerequisite: CHN2901 or equivalent.
CHN3102 Special Topics in East Asian Culture (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of a special topic in East Asian cultural history.
No knowledge in Asian languages is required. Also offered as JPN3102.
CHN3502 Thèmes choisis en culture de l'Asie de l'Est (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Étude d'un thème choisi dans l'histoire culturelle de l'Asie de l'Est.
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance des langues asiatique. Aussi offert sous la cote JPN3502.
CHN3901 Cours avancé de chinois I / Advanced Chinese I / Advanced Chinese I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Intensive practice in conversation and composition. Reading and discussion of contemporary texts.
Prerequisite: CHN2902 or equivalent.
CHN3902 Cours avancé de chinois II / Advanced Chinese II / Advanced Chinese II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Further practice in conversation and composition; readings in contemporary Chinese literature.
Prerequisite: CHN3901 or equivalent.
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Last updated: 2014.04.01