1001 1101 1102 1501 1502 1991 1992 2001 2100 2101
2301 2500 2501 2701 2911 2912 2991 2992 3901 3904
3912 3913 3914 3916 3919 3931 3932 3933 3940 3942
3944 3945 3946 3947 3991 3992 4101 4102 4501 4502
4903 4904 4906 4908 4909 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915
4916 4920 4921 4923 4924 4925 4927 4929 4930 4931
4932 4933 4934 4935 4991 4997 4998 4999    
ESP1001 Cours élémentaire intensif d'espagnol / Intensive Elementary Spanish (6,0,2) 6 cr.
Course designed for students who wish to acquire a good introduction to Spanish grammar and vocabulary by covering in one session material normally taught in two sessions. Intended for students with no previous knowledge of the language, this course places special emphasis on speaking, reading and writing Spanish.
Students enrolled in ESP1991-1992 cannot register in this course.
ESP1101 Introduction to Spanish Culture (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A study of major cultural and historical developments in Spain since Roman times: Roman and Visigothic Spain, Arab Spain (Mosque of Cordoba, the Alhambra), principal artists, such as El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Picasso and Dali, architecture and society (Romanic, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical periods), religion and society (the Inquisition, the Jesuits, the Alumbrados and the mystics), historical events (the Reconquest, the Conquistadors, the Armada, the Spanish Empire).
No knowledge of Spanish is required.
ESP1102 Introduction to Latin American Culture (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Major events that shaped the culture of Latin America: history (the Aztecs and the Incas, the Colonial period, the Independence, Abolition of Slavery, the Mexican Revolution), political developments (democracy and dictatorship), literature (Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Garcia Marques, Borges, Vargas Llosa, Guimaraes Rosa) and the arts (Rivera, Orozco, Frida Kahlo).
No knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese is required.
ESP1501 Introduction à la culture espagnole (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Faits marquants de la culture espagnole et des grandes périodes de l'histoire de l'Espagne : Romains et Wisigoths, Arabes (mosquée de Cordoue, Alhambra); principaux artistes, tel que Le Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Picasso, Dali; architecture et société (périodes romane et gothique; Renaissance; périodes baroque et néo-classique); religion et société (l'Inquisition, les Jésuites, les Alumbrados et les mystiques); grands faits historiques (Reconquête, Conquistadors, Armada, empire espagnol).
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue espagnole.
ESP1502 Introduction à la culture de l'Amérique latine (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Évènements qui ont façonné la culture latino-américaine : périodes et faits historiques (Aztèques et Incas; période coloniale; Indépendance; abolition d'esclavage; révolution mexicaine); grands mouvements politiques (démocratie et dictature); littérature (Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Garcia Marques, Borges, Vargas Llosa, Guimaraes Rosa); beaux-arts (Rivera, Orozco, Frida Kahlo).
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue espagnole ou portugaise.
ESP1991 Cours élémentaire d'espagnol I / Elementary Spanish I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Essentials of grammar, pronunciation and conversation. Oral and written exercises.
This course is intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Spanish. (Previously: ESP1001.)
ESP1992 Cours élémentaire d'espagnol II / Elementary Spanish II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Fundamental grammar; conversation, reading, acquisition of additional vocabulary. Oral and written exercises.
Prerequisite: ESP1991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP1001.)
ESP2001 Cours intermédiaire intensif d'espagnol / Intensive Intermediate Spanish (6,0,2) 6 cr.
Intended for students who wish to acquire in one session the linguistic competence usually acquired in two sessions. This course allows students to broaden and consolidate their knowledge of spoken and written Spanish through text analysis, grammatical exercises and conversational practice.
Students enrolled in ESP2991-2992 cannot register in this course. Prerequisite: ESP1992.
ESP2100 Special Topics in Spanish and Latin American Culture (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of a special topic in Spanish or Latin American cultural history.
No knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese is required.
ESP2101 Spanish and Latin American Cinema (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of representative films from Spain and/or Latin America in their historical and cultural context of production and reception: Emilio Fernandez (Mexico), Tomas Gutiérrez Alea (Cuba), Francisco Lombardi (Peru), Miguel Littin (Chile) Alfonso Aristarain (Argentina), Walter Salles (Brazil), Luis Bunuel et Pedro Almodovar (Spain).
No knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese is required.
ESP2301 Hispanic Literature in translation (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of selected works by Spanish and/or Latin American writers from different periods and genres: Cervantes and Lorca (Spain), Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Carlos Fuentes (Mexico), Garcia Marquez (Colombia), Vargas Llosa (Peru), Borges (Argentina), Neruda (Chile).
No knowledge of Spanish required.
ESP2500 Thèmes choisis en culture espagnole et latino-américaine (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Étude d'un thème choisi dans l'histoire culturelle espagnole ou latino-américaine.
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue espagnole ou portugaise.
ESP2501 Cinéma espagnol et latino-américain (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Étude d'oeuvres représentatives du cinéma espagnol et/ou latino-américain dans leur contexte historique et culturel de production et de réception : Emilio Fernandez (Mexique), Tomas Gutiérrez Alea (Cuba), Francisco Lombardi (Peru), Miguel Littin (Chile), Alfonso Aristarain (Argentina), Walter Salles (Brésil), Luis Bunuel et Pedro Almodovar (Espagne).
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue espagnole ou portugaise.
ESP2701 Littérature hispanique en traduction (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Étude d'oeuvres choisies d'auteurs espagnols et/ou latino-américains de différents genres et périodes : Cervantes et Lorca (Espagne), Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz et Carlos Fuentes (Mexique), Garcia Marquez (Colombie), Vargas Llosa (Pérou), Borges (Argentine), Neruda (Chili).
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue espagnole.
ESP2911 Culture espagnole I / Spanish Culture I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
An introduction to the principal factors in Spanish life: literature, religion, art, society, intellectual life.
Prerequisite or corequisite ESP2992. (Previously: ESP3901.)
ESP2912 Culture hispano-américaine I / Spanish-American Culture I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
An introduction to the principal factors in Spanish-American life: literature, religion, art, society, intellectual life.
Prerequisite or corequisite: ESP2992. (Previously: ESP3902.)
ESP2991 Cours intermédiaire d'espagnol I / Intermediate Spanish I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Review of grammar; development of oral and written comprehension and expression; reading and vocabulary. Oral and written practice.
Prerequisite: ESP1992 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP2001.)
ESP2992 Cours intermédiaire d'espagnol II / Intermediate Spanish II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Advanced study of grammar. Readings, composition, conversation. Oral and written practice.
Prerequisite: ESP2991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP2001.)
ESP3901 Cinéma et littérature hispaniques / Hispanic Cinema and Literature (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of the relationships between literature and cinema through a selection of films and literary texts from Latin America and/or Spain. Analysis of esthetic, narrative and ideological strategies by which films and literary texts relate to their respective social and cultural context.
Prerequisite: ESP 2991 or permission of the Department. This course is taught in Spanish. The course work may be written in Spanish, English or French.
ESP3904 Les formes narratives en Espagne au XXe siècle / Contemporary Spanish Narrative (3,0,0) 3 cr.
An examination of the development of the novel and short story in Spain this century, with reference to works by major writers of the period.
Prerequisite: ESP 3992 or permission of the Department.
ESP3912 Les formes narratives en amérique latine jusqu'à 1950 / Spanish-American Narrative (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A study of the major novelists and short story writers up to 1950. Azuela, Guiraldes, Gallegos, etc.
Prerequisite: ESP 3992 or permission of the Department.
ESP3913 Thèmes choisis en culture hispanique / Topics in Hispanic Culture (3,0,0) 3 cr.
In-depth study of one or several topics in Hispanic arts and culture.
Prerequisite: ESP2911, ESP2912 or permission of the Department.
ESP3914 Le théâtre espagnol du XXe siècle / Twentieth-Century Spanish (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of selected works which illustrate the development of Spanish theatre in the twentieth century.
Prerequisite: ESP3992 or equivalent or permission of the Department.
ESP3916 Le conte et la nouvelle hispano-américains au XXe siècle / Twentieth-Century Spanish-American Short Story (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of representative short stories in twentieth-century Spanish-American literature.
Prerequisite: ESP3992 or equivalent or permission of the Department.
ESP3919 L'espagnol commercial / Commercial Spanish (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction to business correspondence in Spanish. Study of grammatical and lexical problems. Practical exercises.
Prerequisite: ESP2992 or equivalent or permission of the Department.
ESP3931 Introduction aux études hispaniques I / Introduction to Hispanic Studies I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of basis elements and concepts for the analysis of Hispanic texts. Literature, cinema and the media. Study of a variety of texts appropriate to the linguistic competence of students.
Prerequisites: ESP2992 or ESP2001 or permission of the Department.
ESP3932 Introduction aux études hispaniques II / Introduction to Hispanic Studies II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Reading and analysis of literary works by major Hispanic authors to improve the students' linguistic competence and to broaden their knowledge of hispanic culture.
Prerequisites: ESP2992 or ESP2001 or permission of the Department.
ESP3933 Critique littéraire de textes hispaniques / Literary Critism of Hispanic Texts (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Reading and analysis of Hispanic texts with emphasis on the application of literary theory and criticism.
Prerequisite: ESP3931 or permission of the Department.
ESP3940 Histoire de la langue espagnole / History of the Spanish Language (3,0,0) 3 cr.
The evolution of the Spanish language from its origin to the present day.
Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department. A knowledge of Latin is desirable though not obligatory. (Previously: ESP4928.)
ESP3942 Syntaxe de l'espagnol / Spanish Syntax (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Grammatical structures, categories and functions in Spanish. Noun and verb, adjectival and adverbial phrases. Word order. Subject and object functions. Object complements and adjuncts. Nominal and adjectival subordination. Infinitive constructions.
Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department; recommended prerequisite LIN1101. (Previously: ESP3911.)
ESP3944 La littérature espagnole du Moyen-Age au siècle des lumières / Spanish Literature from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Survey of the literature and cultural context of Spain during the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical periods. Birth of the modern novel; theatre of the Golden Age; Humanism and Inquisition; status of women.
Prerequisite: ESP3931 or permission of the Department.
ESP3945 La littérature espagnole du romantisme à la Postmodernité / Spanish Literature from Romanticism to Post-Modernism (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Survey of the literature and cultural context of Spain during the 19th and 20th centuries. Realist novel, loss of the last American colonies, Lorca and the Civil war, Franco's dictatorship, contemporary wormen's literature.
Prerequisite: ESP3931 or permission of the Department.
ESP3946 La littérature hispano-américaine de la Conquête à la modernité / Spanish-American Literature from the Conquest to Modernity (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Survey of Spanish-American literary and cultural currents. Chronicles of explorers and conquistadores; narrations of colonization and cultural resistance; emergence of national literatures, Baroque, Romanticism and Realism.
Prerequisite: ESP3931 or permission of the Department.
ESP3947 Littérature hispano-américaine du modernismo à la postmodernité / Spanish-American Literature from Modernismo to Postmodernity (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Survey of Spanish American literary and cultural currents from modernismo to the present: avant-darde; magical realism and new realism; cultural decolonization, indigenismo, women's literature.
Prerequisite: ESP3931 or permission of the Department.
ESP3991 Cours avancé d'espagnol I / Advanced Spanish I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Study of the complexities of Spanish grammar. Intensive written and spoken practice. Composition and conversation exercises. Oral presentations. Analysis of selected texts.
Prerequisite: ESP2992 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP3001).
ESP3992 Cours avancé d'espagnol II / Advanced Spanish II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Problems of grammar. Study of stylistic effects. Advanced composition and conversation. Analysis of selected texts.
Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP3001).
ESP4101 General Translation from Spanish into English I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction to translation from Spanish into English. Basic concepts in translation studies, varied practical exercises, translation of general texts.
Prerequisite: ESP3992 or equivalent. Students may also be admitted to this course by passing a Spanish language test. (Also offered as TRA4101.)
ESP4102 Translation from English into Spanish (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Written translation from English into Spanish of a variety of texts (administrative, commercial, etc.). Workshop for students with a very good active knowledge of the target language.
Prerequisites: ESP3992 or equivalent. Maximum 20 students. (Also offered as TRA 4102.)
ESP4501 Traduction générale de l'espagnol vers le français I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Initiation à la traduction de l'espagnol vers le français. Notions de base en traductologie, travaux pratiques variés, traduction de textes généraux.
Préalable : ESP3992 ou l'équivalent. Les étudiants peuvent aussi être admis à ce cours après avoir subi avec succès un test d'espagnol. (Aussi offert sous la cote TRA4501.)
ESP4502 Traduction du français vers l'espagnol (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Traduction écrite du français à l'espagnol. Travaux pratiques variés : traduction de textes techniques, administratifs, journalistiques, etc. Cours destiné aux étudiants qui possèdent une très bonne connaissance active de l'espagnol.
Préalable : ESP3992 ou l'equivalent. Maximum 20 étudiants. (Aussi offert sous la cote TRA4502.)
ESP4903 Séminaire sur l'enseignement de l'espagnol comme langue étrangère / Seminar on the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Examination of current techniques utilized in the teaching of the Spanish language.
Prerequisite: ESP3992 or the equivalent.
ESP4904 Littérature espagnole du moyen âge / Medieval Spanish Literature (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Spanish literature from its beginnings to La Celestina. The course includes a certain number of texts for detailed study in class, reinforced by readings taken from a bibliography.
Prerequisite: ESP 3944 or permission of the Department.
ESP4906 Littérature hispano-américaine avant le XIXe siècle / Spanish-American Literature (3,0,0) 3 cr.
This course includes the study of the works of the Cronistas and the main representative authors of the baroque movement in Spanish-America.
Prerequisite: ESP 3946 or permission of the Department.
ESP4908 Le théâtre contemporain en Amérique latine / Spanish-American Contemporary Theatre (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A study of representative dramatic works of contemporary Spanish-American playwrights.
Prerequisites: ESP3946, ESP3947 or permission of the Department.
ESP4909 L'essai littéraire en Amérique latine / The Literary Essay in Latin America (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of main trends in the literary essay in Latin America. The problem of the search for identity from the struggle for Independence to the present day. Texts by Bolivar, Sarmiento, Marti, Rodo, Vasconcelos, Paz, Rama, Garcia-Canclini and others.
Prerequisites: ESP3946, ESP3947 or permission of the Department.
ESP4911 Le théâtre espagnol du Siècle d'Or / Spanish Golden Age Drama (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of the development of the Spanish theatre and the history of Spanish drama in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries, along with a critical analysis of representative texts.
Prerequisite: ESP 3944 or permission of the Department.
ESP4912 La poésie espagnole du Siècle d'Or / Spanish Golden Age Poetry (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of the main currents of Spanish poetry in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. Study and analysis of representative poems.
Prerequisite: ESP 3944 or permission of the Department.
ESP4913 La prose espagnole du Siècle d'Or / Spanish Golden Age Prose (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Historical and critical study of the novel and other narrative-didactic genres of the XVIth and XVIIth centuries.
Prerequisite: ESP 3944 or permission of the Department.
ESP4914 Le néo-classicisme et le romantisme dans la littérature espagnole / The Neo-Classical and Roman Movements (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A study of writers who illustrate the evolution of literary expression in the eighteenth century: Isla, Villarroel, Cadalso, etc. Romantic drama and poetry: Rivas, Larra, Espronceda, Bécquer, etc.
Prerequisite: ESP 3944 or permission of the Department.
ESP4915 Le roman espagnol du XIXe siècle / Nineteenth-Century Spanish Novel (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A study of the major Spanish fiction writers of the XIXth century, with special reference to Galdos, Pardo Bazan, Alas ("Clarin").
Prerequisite: ESP 3944 or permission of the Department.
ESP4916 La Génération de 1898 / The Generation of 1898 (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A detailed study of this fundamental period of modern intellectual life in Spain, principally from a literary point of view, but also with reference to the political and philosophical interests of the members of the generation.
Prerequisites: ESP3944, ESP3945 or permission of the Department.
ESP4920 Séminaire spécial I / Special Seminar I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish-American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.
ESP4921 Littérature hispano-américaine du XIXe siècle I / Nineteenth-Century Spanish-American Literature I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
This course explores the most significant trends in Spanish-American literature since Neo-classicism through Romanticism with special reference to the major literary works of the period.
Prerequisite: ESP 3946 or permission of the Department.
ESP4923 Le mouvement Modernismo dans la littérature hispano-américaine / Spanish-American Modernismo (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A detailed study of the characteristics of this fundamental movement in Spanish-America, with reference to prose and verse by major writers of the period.
Prerequisites: ESP3946, ESP3947 or permission of the Department.
ESP4924 La poésie hispano-américaine contemporaine / Contemporary Spanish-American Poetry (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Main trends in contemporary poetry: creacionismo, ultraismo, surrealism, social poetry, popularismo. Emphasis on the works of Borges, Nicolas Guillén, Neruda, etc.
Prerequisites: ESP3946, ESP3947 or permission of the Department.
ESP4925 Le roman hispano-américain actuel / Present-day Spanish-American Novel (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A study of the characteristic works of the most noteworthy novelists of the second half of this century.
Prerequisites: ESP3946, ESP3947 or permission of the Department.
ESP4927 Séminaire spécial II / Special Seminar II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish-American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.
ESP4929 Séminaire spécial III / Special Seminar III (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish-American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.
ESP4930 Littérature hispano-américaine du dix-neuvième siècle II / Nineteenth-Century Spanish-American Literature II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Special emphasis on realist and naturalist currents in the works of outstanding representatives of the movements.
Prerequisites: ESP3946, ESP3947 or permission of the Department.
ESP4931 La poésie espagnole du XXe siècle / Twentieth-Century Spanish Poetry (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Examination of the main currents in poetry: Modernismo, the Avant-Garde, the Generation of 1927, the Committed Poetry of the thirties, the Social Poetry of the post Civil War period.
Prerequisites: ESP3944, ESP3945 or permission of the Department.
ESP4932 Grammaire différentielle de l'espagnol et du français / Contrastive Grammar: Spanish and French (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Comparison of the structure of Spanish and French at the phonological, morphological and syntactic levels.
Prerequisite: ESP 3992 or permission of the Department.
ESP4933 Grammaire différentielle de l'espagnol et de l'anglais / Contrastive Grammar: Spanish and English (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Comparison of the structure of Spanish and English at the phonological, morphological and syntactic levels.
Prerequisite: ESP 3992 or permission of the Department.
ESP4934 Séminaire spécial IV / Special Seminar IV (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish-American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.
ESP4935 Séminaire spécial V / Special Seminar V (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish-American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.
ESP4991 Rédaction en espagnol / Writing in Spanish (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Techniques of composition and stylistic exercises in written Spanish. Coherence and effectiveness in the written text. Analysis of different genres and registers. Practical exercises.
Prerequisite: ESP 3992 or permission of the Department.
ESP4997 Recherches dirigées I / Directed Research I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Research on an individual basis under the guidance of a professor of the Department.
Topic and duration to be determined jointly by the advisor and the student. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
ESP4998 Recherches dirigées II / Directed Research II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Research on an individual basis under the guidance of a professor of the Department.
Topic and duration to be determined jointly by the advisor and the student. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
ESP4999 Recherches dirigées III / Directed Research III (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Research on an individual basis under the guidance of a professor of the Department.
Topic and duration to be determined jointly by the advisor and the student. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
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Last updated: 2014.04.01