1901 1902 2101 2102 2501 2502 2901 2902 3101 3501
PLN1901 Cours élémentaire de polonais I / Elementary Polish I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Alphabet and phonetics; basic vocabulary; some fundamental rules of grammar; conversation; laboratory work. This course is intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Polish.
This course includes 1 h. of laboratory per week or its equivalent. (Previously: SLV1921.)
PLN1902 Cours élémentaire de polonais II / Elementary Polish II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Essentials of grammar; acquisition of additional vocabulary; dictation; conversation; laboratory work.
Prerequisite: PLN1901 or permission of the Department. This course includes 1 h. of laboratory per week or its equivalent. (Previously: SLV1922.)
PLN2101 Polish Culture through the Ages (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A study of the interaction between Polish literature and culture from the beginnings to 1900.
No knowledge of Polish is required.
PLN2102 Polish Post-War Cinema (3,0,0) 3 cr.
The evolution of Polish cinema since 1945: the New Wave, the Cinema of Moral Anxiety, recent post-communist trends. Study of representative directors, such as: Wajda, Polanski, Kawalerowicz, Has, Zanussi, Hoffman, Kieslowski. Screenings in Polish with English subtitles.
Prerequisite: No prerequisite. No knowledge of Polish required.
PLN2501 Initiation à la culture polonaise (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Étude de l'interaction de la littérature et de la culture polonaises depuis le début jusqu'à 1900.
Aucune connaissance de la langue polonaise requise.
PLN2502 Cinéma polonais d'après-guerre (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Évolution du cinéma polonais depuis 1945 : la Nouvelle Vague, le Cinéma de l'Angoisse Morale, tendances récentes post-communistes. Étude de cinéastes représentatifs, tels que Wajda, Polanski, Kawalerowicz, Has, Zanussi, Hoffman, Kieslowski. Présentation des films en version originale avec sous-titres en français.
Aucune connaissance de langue polonaise requise.
PLN2901 Cours intermédiaire de polonais / Intermediate Polish (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Further study of grammar; composition; conversation; laboratory work.
Prerequisites: PLN1902 or permission of the Department. This course includes 1 h. of laboratory per week or its equivalent. (Previously: SLV2921.)
PLN2902 Grammaire polonaise et traduction / Polish Grammar and Translation (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction to written Polish. Basic syntactical, grammatical and lexical features of written Polish. Exercises in comprehension and translation of written Polish.
Prerequisite: PLN2901 or permission of the Department.
PLN3101 Special Topic in Polish Culture (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Study of a selected topic in Polish culture: literature, film, theatre. Topic and requirements vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
PLN3501 Thème choisi en culture polonaise (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Étude d'un thème choisi en culture polonaise : littérature, film, théâtre. Le thème et les exigences peuvent varier d'année en année.
Préalable : permission du département.
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Last updated: 2014.04.01