1901 1902 2101 2102 2501 2502 2901 2902 3101 3501
3901 3902                
POR1901 Cours élémentaire de portugais I / Elementary Portuguese I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Essentials of grammar, pronunciation and conversation. Oral and written exercises.
This course is intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Portuguese. (Previously: POR1001.)
POR1902 Cours élémentaire de portugais II / Elementary Portuguese II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Fundamental grammar; conversation, reading, acquisition of additional vocabulary. Oral and written exercises.
Prerequisite: POR1901 or permission of the Department. (Previously: POR1001.)
POR2101 The Culture of Portuguese-Speaking Countries I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction to the history and contemporary culture of Portuguese-speaking countries, such as Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, and East Timor: literature, religion, art, society, politics.
POR2102 The Culture of Portuguese-Speaking Countries II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
The common roots of Portuguese and Brazilian culture: exploration, colonization, slavery and post-colonial developments. Main trends in literature, art, music and religion.
POR2501 Culture des pays de langue portugaise I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction à l histoire et à la culture contemporaine des pays de langue portugaise, tels que le Portugal, le Brésil, l'Angola et le Timor Oriental : littérature, religion, art, société, politique.
POR2502 Culture des pays de langue portugaise II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Les origines communes des cultures portugaise et brésilienne : exploration, colonisation, esclavage, développements post-coloniaux. Tendances principales en littérature, art, musique et religion.
POR2901 Cours intermédiaire de portugais I / Intermediate Portuguese I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Review of grammar; development of oral and written comprehension and expression; reading and vocabulary. Oral and written practice.
Prerequisite: POR1902 or permission of the Department. (Previously: POR2001.)
POR2902 Cours intermédiaire de portugais II / Intermediate Portuguese II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Advanced study of grammar. Readings, composition, conversation. Oral and written practice.
Prerequisite: POR2901 or permission of the Department. (Previously: POR2001.)
POR3101 Literature and Cinema of the Portuguese Speaking Countries (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Major works of literature and cinema from Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique. Study of the relationship between films and literary works and the underlying political, social and cultural issues.
Prerequisite: 18 university credits. No knowledge of Portuguese is required. The course work may be written in English, French or Portuguese.
POR3501 Littérature et cinéma des pays de langue portugaise (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Les chefs-d oeuvres de la littérature et du cinéma du Portugal, du Brésil, de l Angola, du Mozambique. Étude de la relation entre les films, la littérature et le contexte politique, social et culturel.
Préalable: 18 crédits universitaires. Aucune connaissance du portugais n’est nécessaire. Les travaux peuvent être présentés en anglais, français ou portugais.
POR3901 Cours avancé de portugais I / Advanced Portuguese I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Study of the complexities of Portuguese grammar. Intensive written and spoken practice. Composition and conversation exercises. Oral presentations. Analysis of selected texts.
Prerequisite: POR2902 or permission of the Department. (Previously: POR3001).
POR3902 Cours avancé de portugais II / Advanced Portuguese II / Advanced Portuguese II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
Problems of grammar. Study of stylistic effects. Advanced composition and conversation. Analysis of selected texts.
Prerequisite: POR3901 or permission of the Department. (Previously: POR3001).
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Last updated: 2014.04.01