Calendars > School of Management > Academic regulation - Registration
School of Management
Programs of study
Courses, programs of study and their requirements are proposed by the School and approved by the Senate of the University. If the requirements are modified during the course of their studies, students may satisfy the requirements of their program at the time of admission or they may follow the new requirements.
The school responsible for the program is normally charged with the interpretation of program requirements.
a) Admission (regular and special student)
Regular student status (full- or part-time): To register for courses with the intention of pursuing a degree, an individual must first be admitted to a program. Regular student status is granted upon admission.
Special student status: On the basis of available space, registration for courses offered by the School of Management is permitted for the following categories of special students:
Professional Certification (with letter from a professional association).
Transfer of Credits (with letter of permission or formal written agreement from the home institution).
Upgrading (with proof of university degree).
The School of Management will not accept registrations from special students who cannot provide proof that they meet the normal admission requirements for regular students.
b) Admission to a program requiring previous university studies
Certain faculties (for example, Faculty of Education) require previous university studies or a university degree as a prerequisite to admission. It is the student's responsibility to verify that their program of studies (or degree) satisfy the accreditation requirements of the professional association to which they aspire.
a) Definitions
Credit: A credit is a numerical value assigned to a course, normally defined as 13 to 15 hours of formal lectures or the equivalent.
Course: A course is defined as a teaching activity. The School of Management offers three-credit courses that are usually given three hours a week during one academic session. However, some courses, notably those with laboratory or studio work, require more hours in class.
Session: A session is one of three pre-determined periods in which academic activities take place at the University. The fall and winter sessions are approximately 13 weeks. The spring-summer session may consist of sub-sessions of three, four, five or six weeks.
Fall session: September to December
Winter session: January to April
Spring-summer session: May to August
Prerequisite: The term prerequisite is used to designate a course that must be taken and passed in order to register for another course. Hence, a prerequisite for course B is course A (where essential notions for the comprehension of course B are taught), which must be completed before one can register to course B.
Corequisite: The term "corequisite" is used to identify a course, that if not taken as a prerequisite, must be taken concurrently with another course, due to the complementary nature of the courses.
b) Student status
Full-time: A student registered for 12 credits or more during a session is considered having full-time status.
Part-time: A student registered for less than 12 credits during a session is considered having part-time status.
Impact of student status
University fees -The Board of Governors of the University establishes tuition and incidental fees based on student status. Consult the University fees schedule published by the Office of the Registrar (www.registrar.uottawa.ca).
Government financing - Most government bursary and loan programs take into consideration the student status (full- or part-time) when awarding bursaries or financial aid. It is important to note that certain bursary and financial aid programs do not define the student status in the same way as the University does. Students should check with the appropriate sources to verify the number of credits to which they must be registered in order to be eligible for bursaries or loans.
c) Course selection
To follow courses or participate in other academic activities (for example discussion groups, laboratories, work terms and other academic activities), students must register before the start of a session and within the deadlines indicated in the sessional dates. It is possible to register online or in person at their faculty or school. It is also possible to modify course selections before the deadline indicated in the sessional dates (www.registrar.uottawa.ca).
Anyone who is not registered for a course or related academic activity will not receive a grade or credits. Retroactive course registration or course modification is not permitted.
d) Course offerings and limited enrolment
Not all courses are offered every session. Students should consult the course schedule on the University Web site to verify if a course is being offered in a particular session.
Enrolment in the majority of courses is limited, and some courses may be reserved exclusively for students registered in specific programs. The faculty, school or department concerned may establish conditions on enrolment in their courses.
e) Maximum course load
The normal course load for a student in the School of Management is five courses per session.
Normally a CGPA of at least 6.0 is required to obtain permission to take six courses.
f) Registration to courses
Important recommendation
Before registering for courses, it is essential that students do the following:
familiarize themselves with the requirements of their program of study and with academic regulations;
plan course choices so that they correspond to the requirements of the program of study;
pass all prerequisites of the chosen courses;
consult the schedule to know what courses are offered and to avoid timetable conflicts; and
respect the registration deadlines indicated in sessional dates (www.registrar.uottawa.ca).
Online registration
The university strongly urges students to register and modify course selection online. To do so, several tools are available - the Registration Navigator, the Degree Navigator and the online course schedule.
Registration Navigator
The Registration Navigator (RN) is an application that allows online registration. It presents all information in a University of Ottawa calendar concerning programs, courses and course schedule. Because the Registration Navigator is tied into the Office of the Registrar databanks, it can track students' progress through their program of study. To access the system, students must use their InfoWeb password assigned at the time they were admitted.
In this manner, all transactions on the system are kept confidential.
Once a student has registered online and the transaction accepted, no other approval is necessary (except in cases of courses being repeated). Students should take note of the transaction confirmation number that appears on the screen as this number disappears at the end of the transaction.
The following students can access the Registration Navigator: full- and part-time students in the School of Management and the faculties of Arts, Engineering, Law (Common Law and Droit civil), Health Sciences and Social Sciences. This application is available 24 hours a day.
Degree Navigator
The Degree Navigator (DN) application is available online and can produce a detailed analysis of an academic file. It also allows the exploration of undergraduate options offered at the University, the requirements to obtain a degree, and numerous details on course offerings (for example description, prerequisite and other related information).
These tools are available at the following address www.infoweb.uottawa.ca. Each application is accompanied by a tutorial. Students who have forgotten their initial password may retrieve it by clicking on Click here for initial password. Students who have changed their initial password and who have forgotten their new one must go in person to the Computing Help Centre (Montpetit Hall, room 140) or to InfoService on the first floor of Tabaret Hall (75 Laurier East). Our information officers will need to see ID before they can give a password.
Registration in person or by mail
Students who do not have access to the Internet can register or modify a course selection, in person or by mail, respecting the deadlines set out in sessional dates. To register, students must obtain approval of their course selection from their faculty or school where they are admitted. A registration form must be completed and signed. To modify a course selection students must use the form entitled "Modification / Cancellation of Registration".
g) Program of study changes
If a student wishes to change programs, but remain in the same faculty or school, a request must be submitted to the faculty or school in question. If the program of study change does not require a re-admission, all courses on the student file will normally be retained in the calculation of the grade point average.
If a student wishes to change program and faculty or school, a new admission form must be completed and submitted to the admissions office. In such a case, the faculty or school, in conjunction with the admissions office, will decide which courses to retain for the new program. The equivalencies granted or retained credits received at the moment of admission can be revised during the initial registration to the faculty or school during a program change.
h) Regulations concerning registration
Course registration and changes to a program of study or course selection are only accepted until the deadline indicated in the sessional dates. These dates can be found on the University of Ottawa Web site (www.registrar.uottawa.ca).
Course withdrawals are permitted up to the dates indicated in the sessional dates. The grade report (not the official transcript) will indicate the symbol "DR", and no grade will be assigned to the course.
The symbols "ABS" or "INC" are equivalent to a failing grade (F). These symbols will appear on the grade report and the official transcript if withdrawal from the course has not been done by the date indicated in the sessional dates on the University Web site.
Students who fail or withdraw from a prerequisite course must make appropriate adjustments to their course selection for the following session.
University fees
Tuition, incidental fees and regulations pertaining to refunds are subject to approval by the Board of Governors of the University and can be modified without prior notice. University fees are normally published on the University Web site as of the month of May at the following address, www.registrar.uottawa.ca.
Students are responsible for paying tuition fees the moment their course selection has been approved by the Registration Navigator, faculty or school. Payment due dates are indicated in the sessional dates section of the University Web site at the following address, www.registrar.uottawa.ca.
Tuition fees are refunded if the student officially withdraws from all courses within the prescribed deadlines (see sessional dates). However, the University will retain administrative fees.
Courses in other faculties
The School of Management programs require 15 credits of electives from another faculty; at least six of those credits should be at the 2000 or 3000 level; and a minimum of three credits should come from at least three of the following four fields: physical/scientific world, social sciences, arts and culture, and the legal environment.
Registration to courses in other faculties is subject to limited enrolment. A faculty or school can refuse registration to courses offered by another faculty or school if a student's academic record is deemed unsatisfactory (see the Section, Evaluation of academic standing). As a rule, students who have been required to withdraw from a faculty or school are not allowed to take other courses in that faculty or school during the withdrawal period.
Minimum number of credits to be obtained at the University of Ottawa (residency requirements)
Students must obtain a minimum of thirty (30) credits at the University of Ottawa in order to receive a baccalaureate.
Additional, out-of-program and auditing courses
With permission, students can register to courses with the following designations:
Out-of-program course (HP): This is available if the course goes beyond the requirements of the program of study. This mark for the course does not count in the grade point average calculation. An out-of-program course is not applicable in the credit calculation used in determining loans and bursaries.
Additional course (ADD): This is available if the course goes beyond the requirements of the program of study. The mark does count in the grade point average calculation.
Auditing a course (AUD): Students registered as auditors will not receive credit for the course. They do not have the right to write examinations, submit assignments or change their status after the deadline for course changes in a given session. Auditors are not permitted in certain courses offered by the School, as indicated in the course description
Second Language Proficiency Test
Students newly registered in programs of the School may take the Second Language Proficiency Test (FLS1000 for those who declare English as their first language and ESL1000 for those who declare French as their first language).
Students who obtain a pass mark (50 percent or more) on the proficiency test will receive six credits on their academic transcript. These credits will be counted towards the requirements of their program.
Equivalency for the Second-Language Proficiency Test
1. Students graduating from Ontario French immersion programs and holding a bilingual certificate or certificate of French immersion or the equivalent, with a minimum of 10 secondary school credits taken in French, will be granted an equivalence on the Test de compétence en français (FLS1000). They will be entitled to six credits, which will appear on their transcript. These credits will be considered in the calculation of the students' program requirements.
2. Students who have successfully completed, within the context of an Ontario French high school curriculum, an English or Anglais course (OAC or 4U level) are granted an equivalence on the Test of Proficiency in English as a Second Language (ESL1000). They are entitled to six credits, which will appear on their transcript. These credits will be considered in the calculation of the students' program requirements.
3. However, for 1) or 2) above, if the equivalence has not been granted at the time of admission, students will have to provide evidence of their secondary French, English or Anglais credits in the following manner. Students may come personally to the Second Language Institute, 600 King Edward Avenue, with official transcripts of their high school credits. The alternative is to mail an official transcript and letter of request to the Institute before October 30.
It is further understood that the Second Language Institute monitors the applicability of the equivalence for the tests in question.
Sheltered courses
In collaboration with different departments within the University, the Second Language Institute offers a certain number of sheltered courses. These courses allow students to improve their knowledge of the second language at the same time as they are taking a course in a particular subject area of their choice (for example, history, linguistics, political science, psychology, sociology).
Language of instruction
The second digit in a course code normally indicates the language of instruction of the course. Courses taught in English are identified by the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, while French instruction is identified by the digits 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Every student registered for a course has the right to take it in the language used to describe the course in the current School calendar. This policy is applicable only if the regulations of a faculty or school are respected with regards to conditions necessary for a course to be given.
With the exception of English, lettres françaises and language courses, every student can submit papers or write examinations in English or French regardless of the course's language of instruction.
With the exception of particular cases based on the nature of the course, papers and examinations must be submitted either in French or English. This requirement is an essential element of instruction at the University of Ottawa.
The School recognizes that, due to academic requirements, students may have to read English text for a course taught in French and vice versa.
NOTE: Students can register in a course offered in their second language if they have adequate knowledge of the language. Students should see an academic counsellor for more information.
Bilingual courses
If the second digit of a course code is 9 or 0 the course is bilingual, meaning that French and English are used equally in the instruction of the entire course. In a bilingual course, students can use the language of their choice, but must have a passive oral and written understanding of the other language.
Bilingual courses do not, in any case, designate a course offered in alternating languages (one year in French, one year in English).
NOTE: The digits 9 and 0 also identify the following:
i) language courses other than French and English;
ii) individualized studies (no formal lectures given) such as workshops; laboratories, work terms, clinical rotations, research and directed studies
iii) thesis and general examinations.
Voluntary interruption of studies
1. Students who wish to withdraw from a course in which they are registered or from their entire program must do so according to the dates indicated in sessional dates; otherwise, they will receive the mark ABS or INC.
2. Students who voluntarily withdraw from the School or University for seven consecutive sessions and wish to return must submit a new application for admission and are subject to the admission requirements in effect at that time.
3. Students who interrupt their studies for six consecutive sessions or less may pursue their program with no additional requirement, whether or not they took courses at another institution during that time, by completing the intent to register form available either in person or on-line.
4. Students who withdraw voluntarily from one faculty or school of the University of Ottawa must submit a formal application for admission in order to register in another faculty or school.
a) General policy on the transfer of credits in Ontario
To make it easier for undergraduate students to complete their programs, the Council of Ontario Universities has agreed to the following principles governing transfer course credit from one Ontario university to another.
1. Acceptance of transfer credits among Ontario universities shall be based on the principle that, while learning experiences may vary in terms of content and level of difficulty, they are essentially equivalent. When possible, acceptance of transfer should allow for the maximum recognition of previous learning experience in university-level courses.
2. Any course offered for credit by one Ontario university shall be accepted for credit by another Ontario university when there is virtual equivalency in course content and in part of the program requirements. Notwithstanding, residence requirements are applicable.
b) Exchange program - Saint Paul University
In order to be eligible for the exchange program between the University of Ottawa and Saint Paul University, the University of Ottawa student must be admitted to a degree program at the University of Ottawa and must be registered at the University of Ottawa for the session during which the exchange will occur.
Courses taken at Saint Paul University, which are recognized as part of the degree requirements will be credited towards that degree at the University of Ottawa and will be counted among the residency requirements. Grades obtained for these courses will be counted in the grade point average.
Courses that are not recognized as part of the degree requirements will be considered extracurricular and will not be counted in the grade point average.
Students must comply with each university's sessional dates calendar.
c) Exchange program - Carleton University
Students at the University of Ottawa may take courses at Carleton University without paying additional tuition fees. The following conditions apply.
1. Only undergraduate students who are admitted to a degree program at either university and are duly registered and in good standing may be permitted to enroll in courses at the other university during a given session.
2. Only courses to be credited as part of the degree requirements at the student's home university are accepted.
3. The total number of courses taken by the student at the home university, and counting toward the student's degree, must at all times be greater than the number of courses taken at the host university. First-year students may take a maximum of one three-credit course per session at the host university.
4. Courses completed at the host university will not count towards the student's residency requirements at the home university.
5. Students must comply with each university's sessional dates calendar.
Recording of course results within the Ottawa-Carleton exchange program
Results obtained in courses taken within the exchange program will be recorded on the student's official University of Ottawa record and will count in their grade point average.
Results are converted as follows.
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d) Other universities
Students must obtain a letter of permission from their School if they wish to take one or more courses at another university. Those courses will be recognized in their program if they complete the courses with at least the passing grade of the university giving the course (certain programs may require a mark higher than a D).
Permission to take courses at another university is indicated in the student's file.
When submitting a request for a letter of permission, students must have a minimum CGPA of 4.5 for an honours program, and must not be on probation. Only courses to be credited as part of the degree requirement will be approved.
Students who are taking courses with a letter of permission at another university, and who have registered for graduation at the University of Ottawa, must have their official transcript sent to the School prior to May 15 for spring convocation and prior to September 15 for fall convocation.
NOTE: Credit will not necessarily be granted for courses taken outside the University of Ottawa unless a letter of permission has first been obtained.
Results of courses taken outside the University of Ottawa are not considered in calculating the cumulative grade point average except for those courses taken at Carleton University, Saint Paul University and Dominican College (see the Department of Philosophy) according to the official agreements.
Also, consult the regulation concerning the minimum number of credits to be obtained at the University of Ottawa.
e) International exchange programs
For a number of years, undergraduate students from the School of Management have had an opportunity to spend a semester or a year abroad under the international exchange program. Presently, the School has agreements with Austria, Australia, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United States and Thailand.
In today's world, it is essential that a management student's studies be globally oriented. These exchange programs provide this opportunity. Students can complete their academic and professional endeavours in a different environment while discovering another country, a new culture and different customs.
Instruction is in English, except for some institutions in France and Mexico. Some of the schools in France participating in the program are Reims School of Management, l'École Supérieure de Commerce de Rouen and Audencia-Nantes École de Management. These schools are members of the Conférence des grandes écoles.
The School of Management organizes information sessions in the fall for students interested in participating in these exchange programs. Students are selected every year towards the end of January on the basis of an application file (letter of motivation and university transcripts). The application deadline is January 31.
To participate in the exchange program, students must have completed, before their departure, at least 60 credits of a baccalaureate program from the School of Management, including all first- and second-year courses from the common core. Students who successfully complete the international exchange program and do not complete all of the courses required for the option(s) will receive a baccalaureate of commerce without option or specialization.
In all cases, Canadian students pay tuition fees at the University of Ottawa, and pay their own travel and residence expenses. No tuition fees are paid abroad by exchange students.
The successful completion of the one-year program of academic activities in the host institution entitles the students to 30 credits (or 15 credits for a one-semester stay). The CGPA at the end of the last year in Ottawa is used to determine the honours standing.
For more information on the exchange progam, consult the administrator, Sylvie Séguin-Jak, at (613) 562-5821.
Passing grades required at a foreign institution
When exchange students obtain a passing grade in a course, or group of courses, in a foreign institution with which the University has an exchange agreement, they will automatically receive the credits applicable to that course or group of courses. The content and number of hours of instruction in these courses must correspond to those of the courses at the University of Ottawa and are normally determined when the course selection is approved.
These regulations apply only to studies done in accordance with the agreement on international exchange programs approved by the University.
Renewal of merit scholarships for international exchange programs
In a case where renewal of a merit scholarship depends on maintaining a specific grade point average, exchange students who have successfully completed full-time studies at the host school in the international exchange program will be considered to have met the conditions for renewal. This regulation also applies to merit scholarships of the School of Management awarded to students who have obtained a minimum annual grade point average (AGPA).
f) Advanced standing
1. Advanced standing is granted only for courses taken at the post-secondary level.
2. Advanced standing granted or credits retained on admission may be revised when students first register in the School or when they change programs.
3. Advanced standing is granted only for passed courses that are deemed equivalent in content and level to the course offered at the University of Ottawa when these courses conform to the general regulations of the School. Certain programs may require a passing grade higher than D.
4. Students cannot retain advanced standing for a course followed at another university if they register for a three- or six-credit course that covers the same material at the University of Ottawa.
g) Prior-learning recognition
The University of Ottawa recognizes that learning can occur by taking university credit courses (or its equivalent) as well as in professional experience, self-teaching, non-credited courses, workplace training and in other situations. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) allows students who have acquired knowledge in a non-traditional manner, to receive advanced standing for a course (specific course code) offered at the University or, in certain instances, to be granted an exemption.
Any specified advanced standing recognized by a faculty or school is done on behalf of the University and therefore should be recognized by other faculties.
To have prior learning recognized and to receive advanced standing, an individual must first be admitted to and register for a program of studies at the University of Ottawa.
The request must be submitted during the first study session as a University of Ottawa student. (The assessment period may be lengthy. For this reason, it is strongly suggested to submit the request at the beginning of the first study session.)
A request for prior-learning recognition applies only to undergraduate students and courses in the following faculties and school: Arts, Engineering, Health Sciences, Management, Sciences and Social Sciences.
Only courses scheduled at the University of Ottawa within the last 24 months can be submitted for recognition of advanced standing.
Advanced-standing credits are awarded strictly for courses offered that already exist at the University of Ottawa and are part of the student's program of studies.
A maximum of 30 credits is granted for prior learning recognition.
Advanced standing is granted only if the knowledge is equal to that of the students taking the course.
Advanced-standing credits appear on an official transcript, but do not count as University of Ottawa residency requirements (that is, courses students must follow at the University of Ottawa itself, see section 8 b).
Credits obtained for prior learning might not be recognized by the discipline's licensing body or professional association.
Should advanced standing for prior learning not be granted, students can submit a written appeal of the decision to the dean - or to the dean's representative -
of the school or faculty offering the course.
The procedures and Request for Prior-learning Recognition form are available on the University Web site at www.uottawa.ca/academic/info/regist/Regi3170e.pdf.