Calendars > Courses > GERMAN
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The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures reserves the right to refuse registration in language courses to students who have attended high schools where the language of instruction is the same as the language taught in the course or students whose knowledge ofthe language is above the level expected in the course in question. If it becomes clear that a student registered in such a course meets either of the above criteria, then the student will be required to either withdraw from the course or take a placement test. Enrolment in two different levels of a language program during the same academic session is not permitted, except for literature and culture courses. A student may not register in a lower-level language course after successfully completing one at a higher level. Language classes are not open to auditors. Students who wish to take a language course for which they lack either the prerequisite or an appropriate equivalence must write a placement test. The Department reserves the right to place students at their proficiency level with accordance with the result of their placement test. Placement is also subject to availability. The test serves to determine only the level of proficiency and is not a course equivalence. To write a placement test, please go to the Department of Modern Laugages and Literatures, Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 12 pm or 1 pm and 3 pm at 70 Laurier East, room 134.
ALG1001 |
Cours élémentaire intensif d'allemand / Intensive Elementary German |
(6,0,2) 6 cr. |
Course designed for students who wish to acquire a good introduction to German grammar and vocabulary by covering in one session material normally taught in two sessions. Intended for students with no previous knowledge of the language, this course places special emphasis on speaking, reading and writing German. |
Students enrolled in ALG1901 and ALG1902 cannot register in this course. (Previously: ALG1020). |
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ALG1901 |
Cours élémentaire d'allemand I / Elementary German I |
(3,0,1) 3 cr. |
Phonetics, essentials of grammar and practical exercises; conversation; reading and oral practice. |
This course is intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of German. (Previously: ALG1001.) |
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ALG1902 |
Cours élémentaire d'allemand II / Elementary German II |
(3,0,1) 3 cr. |
Elementary grammar; conversation, reading and oral practice; acquisition of additional vocabulary. |
Prerequisite: ALG1901 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ALG 1001.) |
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ALG1911 |
Initiation à la lecture en allemand / Reading Knowledge in German |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A course for students from other disciplines who wish to concentrate on acquiring a passive reading knowledge of German relevant to their field of study. Elementary grammar, acquisition of vocabulary, reading of texts in the area of study of each student. |
This course is not open to students in the German concentration. |
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ALG1912 |
Initiation à la lecture en allemand II / Reading Knowledge in German II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A course for students from other disciplines, who wish to develop their reading knowledge of German relevant to their field of study. |
Prerequisite: ALG1911 or permission of the department. This course is not open to students in the German Concentration Program. |
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ALG2001 |
Cours intensif intermédiaire d'allemand / Intensive Intermediate German |
(6,0,2) 6 cr. |
Intended for students who wish to acquire in one session the linguistic competence usually acquired in two sessions. This course allows students to broaden and consolidate their knowledge of spoken and written German through text analysis, grammatical exercises and conversational practice. |
Students enrolled in ALG2901 and ALG2902 cannot register in this course. Prerequisite: ALG1902 or ALG1001. (Previously: ALG2020). |
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ALG2100 |
Special Topics in German Culture |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of a special topic in German cultural history, such as women in German culture, the history of German music, etc. |
No knowledge of German required. (Previously: ALG2104.) |
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ALG2134 |
German Culture Through the Ages |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Major events that shaped the culture of the German speaking countries until 1945 through history, political developments, literature, and the arts. |
No knowledge of German required. (Previously: ALG2103.) |
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ALG2300 |
Masterpieces of German Literature in Translation |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Readings in German prose, poetry, and drama in translation, by German, Austrian and Swiss authors from different periods. |
No knowledge of German required. (Previously: ALG2040.) |
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ALG2500 |
Thèmes choisis en culture allemande |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Étude d'un thème choisi dans l'histoire culturelle allemande : contribution des femmes, histoire de la musique allemande, etc. |
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue allemande. (Antérieurement : ALG2504.) |
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ALG2534 |
La culture allemande à travers les âges |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
La culture des pays de langue allemande avant 1945 vue à travers les principaux événements historiques et politiques, la littérature et les arts. |
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue allemande. (Antérieurement : ALG2503.) |
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ALG2700 |
Les chefs-d'oeuvre de la littérature allemande en traduction |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Lecture en traduction d'oeuvres littéraires importantes d'auteurs allemands, autrichiens et suisses : prose, poésie et pièces de théâtre de différentes périodes. |
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue allemande. (Antérieurement : ALG2040.) |
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ALG2901 |
Cours intermédiaire d'allemand I / Intermediate German I |
(3,0,1) 3 cr. |
Review of grammar; reading and discussion of selected texts of moderate difficulty; composition; conversation. |
Prerequisite: ALG1902 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ALG2001.) |
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ALG2902 |
Cours intermédiaire d'allemand II / Intermediate German II |
(3,0,1) 3 cr. |
Problems of grammar; reading and discussion of selected texts of advanced difficulty; essay writing; conversation. |
Prerequisite: ALG2901 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ALG2001.) |
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ALG3100 |
Contemporary German Culture |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Developments and changes in German society, culture, and politics after World War II through the arts, literature and major political events such as the constitution of the European Union. |
No knowledge of German required. |
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ALG3330 |
Cinema in the German Speaking Countries |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
From Fritz Lang and Leni Riefenstahl to R.W. Fassbinder, Wim Wenders and others: major directors and their works in German (with subtitles). |
No knowledge of German required. |
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ALG3500 |
La culture allemande contemporaine |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Évolution et transformation de la société et de la culture allemandes après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale vues à travers les arts, la littérature et les événements politiques tels que la formation de l'Union Européenne. |
Ce cours n'exige pas la connaissance de la langue allemande. |
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ALG3900 |
Thèmes choisis en littérature allemande / Special Topics in German Literature |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of a special theme, a special author or authors, an interdisciplinary or comparative topic. |
Prerequisite: (ALG2902 or ALG2020), (ALG2300 or ALG2700) or permission of the Department. |
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ALG3901 |
Cours avancé d'allemand I / Advanced German I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Advanced study of German; composition; translation of texts. |
Prerequisite: ALG2902 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ALG3002.) |
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ALG3902 |
Cours avancé d'allemand II / Advanced German II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Advanced conversation and composition; translation of texts of advanced difficulty. |
Prerequisite: ALG3901 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ALG3002.) |
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ALG3921 |
Lectures dirigées en littérature allemande II / Directed Readings in German |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Research on an individual basis under the guidance of a professor in the Department. |
Prerequisite: ALG2902 or permission of the Department. Topic and requirements to be determined jointly by the student and the advisor. |
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ALG3980 |
Littérature allemande et bouleversements du 20e siècle / German Literature and the Turmoils of the 20th Century |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
German literature from the end of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century. The main focus of this course is to examine the relationship of literature and "reality" through the political, social, and cultural turmoils of the 20th century. |
Prerequisites: ALG2902, (ALG2300 or ALG2700) or permission of the Department. (Previously: ALG 3080.) |
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