Calendars > Courses > ARABIC
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The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures reserves the right to refuse registration in language courses to students who have attended high schools where the language of instruction is the same as the language taught in the course or students whose knowledge of the language is above the level expected in the course in question. If it becomes clear that a student registered in such a course meets either of the above criteria, then the student will be required to either withdraw from the course or take a placement test. Enrolment in two different levels of a language program during the same academic session is not permitted, except for literature and culture courses. A student may not register in a lower-level language course after successfully completing one at a higher level. Language classes are not open to auditors. Students who wish to take a language for which they lake either the prerequisite or an appropriate equivalence must write a placement test. The Department reserves the right to place sudents at their proficiency level in accordance with the result of their replacement test. Placement is also subject to availability. The test serves to determine only the level of proficiency and is not a course equivalence. To write a placement test, please go to the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Monday to Friday between 9 am and 12 pm or 1 pm and 3 pm at 70 Laurier East, room 134.
ARB1911 |
Cours élémentaire d'arabe I / Elementary Arabic I |
(3,0,1) 3 cr. |
This course is designed to provide a basic knowledge of Modern Standard Arabic: alphabet, phonetics and conversation. |
Course intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Modern Standard Arabic. |
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ARB1912 |
Cours élémentaire d'arabe II / Elementary Arabic II |
(3,0,1) 3 cr. |
Continuation of ARB 1911. Basic grammar; conversation, reading, acquisition of additional vocabulary. Oral and written exercises. |
Prerequisite: ARB 1911 or permission of the Department. |
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ARB2101 |
Arabic Culture I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to Arabic culture and to those factors which have contributed to its development up to the end of the XVIIIth century. |
No knowledge of Arabic required. |
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ARB2102 |
Arabic Culture II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to modern Arabic culture as reflected in literature of the Arab revival in the XIXth and XXth centuries. |
No knowledge of Arabic required. |
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ARB2501 |
Culture arabe I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction à la culture arabe et aux influences qui ont contribué à son développement jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. |
Aucune connaissance de l'arabe n'est exigée. |
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ARB2502 |
Culture arabe II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction à la culture arabe moderne telle qu'elle est reflétée dans la littérature de la renaissance arabe des XIXe et XXe siècles. |
Aucune connaissance de l'arabe n'est exigée. |
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ARB2911 |
Cours intermédiaire d'arabe I / Intermediate Arabic I |
(3,0,1) 3 cr. |
More detailed study of grammar. Development of oral and written skills. Selected readings. |
Prerequisite: ARB 1912 or permission of the Department. |
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ARB2912 |
Cours intermédiaire d'arabe II / Intermediate Arabic II |
(3,0,1) 3 cr. |
Continuation of ARB 2911. Further study of grammar. Oral and written exercises. Selected readings. |
Prerequisite: ARB2911 or equivalent. |
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ARB3901 |
Introduction à la littérature arabe / Introduction to Arabic Literature |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Survey of Arabic Literature: themes, schools and genres. Analysis of selected representative texts. |
No knowledge of Arabic is required. |
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ARB3902 |
Sujets spéciaux en littérature arabe I: Prose / Special Topics in Arabic I: Prose |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of selected authors, genres and texts. |
Prerequisite: ARB 3901 or permission of the Department. |
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ARB3903 |
Sujets spéciaux en littérature Arabe II : Poésie / Special Topics in Arabic II: Poetry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of selected authors and texts. |
Prerequisite: ARB 3901 or permission of the Department. |
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ARB3911 |
Cours avancé d'arabe I / Advanced Arabic I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Advanced study of grammar. Intensive written and oral practice. Composition and conversation exercises. Study of selected texts. |
Prerequisite: ARB2912 or equivalent. |
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ARB3912 |
Cours avancé d'arabe II / Advanced Arabic II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Continuation of ARB 3911. Problems of grammar. Study of stylistic effects. Advanced composition and conversation. Study of complex texts. |
Prerequisite: ARB3911 or equivalent. |
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