Calendars > Courses > VISUAL ARTS
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All studio courses have restricted enrolment. Students must see the department before registering to those courses. Legend of abbreviations: G: general courses C: reserved for the concentration program BFA: reserved fpr the BFA program P: practical courses (studio) T: theory and history of art courses
ART1311 |
The Painting Field |
(0,0,4) 3 cr. |
Introduction to painting through direct experience of its materials and procedures: the picture plane, surface, format, frame, pigment and colour, forms, composition. |
C, B.F.A. (P). |
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ART1321 |
The Autonomous Object |
(0,0,4) 3 cr. |
Introduction to sculpture through a study of the object, its modes of production (modelling, casting, sculpting, construction, the found object) and its structure (fragmented or unified, ordered or disordered). |
C, B.F.A. (P). |
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ART1331 |
The Photographic Image |
(0,0,4) 3 cr. |
Exploration of the nature of photography as an image-making process, with an emphasis on observation and expression. Introduction to basic camera techniques and to black and white darkroom procedures. |
C, B.F.A. (P). |
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ART1341 |
The Image in Motion |
(0,0,4) 3 cr. |
Introduction to moving images - captured or generated - through an exploration of chosen technologies and art practices. |
C, B.F.A. (P). |
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ART1711 |
L'espace peint |
(0,0,4) 3 cr. |
Introduction à la peinture à travers une expérience directe de ses matériaux et de ses procédés : plan pictural, support, format, cadre, pigment et couleur, formes, compositions. |
C, B.A.V. (P). |
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ART1721 |
L'objet autonome |
(0,0,4) 3 cr. |
Introduction à la sculpture : étude de l'objet, de ses modes de réalisation (objet modelé, moulé, sculpté, construit, trouvé) et de sa structure (fragmentée ou unifiée, ordonnée ou désordonnée). |
C, B.A.V. (P). |
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ART1731 |
L'image photographique |
(0,0,4) 3 cr. |
Exploration de la photographie comme moyen d'observation et d'expression. Introduction aux principes de base de l'appareil photo et de la chambre noire. |
C, B.A.V. (P). |
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ART1741 |
L'image en mouvement |
(0,0,4) 3 cr. |
Introduction aux images animées - captées ou générées - à travers l'étude de technologies et de pratiques artistiques choisies. |
C, B.A.V. (P). |
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ART2014 |
La peinture et l'image / Painting and Image |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Exploration of the relationships between two-dimensional surface and pictorial space: figure and field, opticality and tactility, figuration and abstraction, narration. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART2015 |
La peinture en contexte / Painting in Context |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Exploration of the relationship between painting, its making and the place of its reception. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART2024 |
La sculpture en transformation / Sculpture in Transformation |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Exploration of unstable materials, forms, and situations - in movement, in transformation - as traces of an event or a process. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART2025 |
La sculpture et l'image / Sculpture and Image |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Exploration of the relationships between sculpture and two-dimensional space: the plane, frontality, instantaneous perception, opticality. Issues of figuration and narration. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART2032 |
Photographie : vision et représentation / Photography: Vision and Representation |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Further study of forms of personal expression and refinements of modes of representation. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART2040 |
Intermedia / Intermedia |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Interdisciplinary workshop dealing with non-traditional art processes and concepts, including electronic means. Issues of image, sound, performance, and language, in relation to movement, time, space. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART2051 |
Le dessin : la marque et l'image / Drawing: Marking and Image |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Development of the physical characteristics and expressivity of drawing through intuitive and analytic processes of direct mark-making in confrontation with the image. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART2160 |
General Art History I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Overview of the history of art from Prehistory to the XIVth century through a study of chosen issues. |
G,C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART2161 |
General Art History II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Overview of the history of art from the XVth century to today through a study of chosen issues. |
Prerequisite: ART2160 for students in the Department's programs. G,C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART2170 |
Modern Art I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
History of modern art from the middle of the XIXth century to World War I through a study of chosen issues. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G,C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART2171 |
Modern Art II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
History of modern art from World War I to the early 1960s through a study of chosen issues. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G,C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART2560 |
Histoire générale de l'art I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Panorama de l'histoire de l'art de la préhistoire au XIVe siècle à travers l'étude de problématiques choisies. |
G,C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART2561 |
Histoire générale de l'art II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Panorama de l'histoire de l'art du XVe siècle à aujourd'hui à travers l'étude de problématiques choisies. |
Préalable : ART2560 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G,C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART2570 |
Art moderne I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Histoire de l'art moderne du milieu du XIXe siècle jusqu'à la Première Guerre mondiale à travers l'étude de problématiques choisies. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G,C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART2571 |
Art moderne II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Histoire de l'art moderne de la Première Guerre mondiale au début des années soixante à travers l'étude de problématiques choisies. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G,C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3016 |
Peinture et source / Painting and Source |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Exploration of the connections between painting and diverse image sources. Issues of iconography, photography, collage, appropriation, etc. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART3026 |
La sculpture en contexte / Sculpture in Context |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Exploration of the relationship between sculpture and its immediate environment: space, place, site. Issues of installation, architecture, institution, nature, public art, social and political art. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART3032 |
Photographie: documentation et construction / Photography: Documentation and Construction |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Exploration of photography as a means of documentation or personal communication. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART3033 |
Laboratoire de photographie / Photo Laboratory |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Introduction to large-format photography, perspective controls, natural and artificial light, exposure and development systems, advanced printing techniques, colour photography, and non-silver processes. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART3040 |
Médias mixtes / Mixed Media |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Exploration of relationships arising from the encounter of various form of art, communication and information processing in order to invent new means of expression. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART3041 |
Intention et invention / Intention and Invention |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Study and implementation of real or synthetic, photographic or electronic images, static or cinematic, in two or three dimensions, for the purpose of personal expression, factual documentation or social animation. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART3051 |
Le dessin: le regard et le sens / Drawing: Seeing and Meaning |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Development of perceptual awareness through the study of the nature and the meanings of what we see. Development of intuitive and analytic skills, and study of the personal, factual and cultural issues of representation. Interaction with reproduced imagery and with other media. |
Prerequisites: ART1311, ART1321, ART1331, ART1341. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART3114 |
Art and Cultures |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
The study of the relationships between cultures in the artistic context: the representation of races, peoples, nations, and cultures, the question of intercultural appropriation, etc. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3115 |
Art and Environment |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
The study of the relationships between art and the natural environment, in particular from the 18th century to the present day. Critical examination of the shift from a purely aesthetic to a systematic approach to the environment. Examination of diverse questions related to: the site, the garden and landscaping, Land Art, landscape painting and other related visual representations, etc. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3116 |
Art and Technologies |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
An examination of the relationships between art and technology: the impact of technological transformations on the production, dissemination and the reception of images and artistic practices; the artistic uses of video, computer, internet, and virtual reality technologies, etc. The course will also examine diverse questions including those related to reproductibility, automation, interactivity, simulation, etc. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3117 |
Art and Feminism |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Gender roles and identities and feminist viewpoints since 1970 in the visual arts: events, practices and critical approaches. Art and society image and feminine culture, sexuality and representation. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3180 |
Contemporary Art I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
History of artistic practices in the 1960's and 1970's through a study of chosen issues. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3181 |
Contemporary Art II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of artistic practices since the 1980's in Canada and the world through a study of chosen issues. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3334 |
Canadian Art |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of art in Canada with an emphasis on the 20th century. Detailed analysis of selected works and art groups. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3344 |
Museology |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to museology. Analysis of problems related to the function of the museum and art gallery: collection, conservation, exhibition, education. Practical work and visits to public and private museums and galleries and parallel institutions. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3354 |
Inuit and Amerindian Art |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of the traditional and contemporary arts of the Inuit and Amerindian peoples in their anthropological, historical and political contexts. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3364 |
History of Photography |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
History of photography up to the present through the study of chosen issues. |
Prerequisite: ART2161 for students in the Department's programs. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART3514 |
Art et cultures |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Étude des rapports entre les cultures dans le contexte artistique: la représentation des races, des peuples, des nations, des cultures, l'appropriation interculturelle, etc. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3515 |
Art et environnement |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Étude des rapports entre l'art et l'environnement naturel, particulièrement depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Examen critique du passage d'une approche purement esthétique du paysage à une approche systématique. Questions diverses : le site, le jardin et l'aménagement paysager, le Land Art, la peinture de paysage et autres représentations visuelles, etc. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3516 |
Art et technologies |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Étude des rapports entre l'art et les technologies: impact des transformations technologiques sur la production, la diffusion et la réception des images et des pratiques artistiques; usages artistiques des technologies - vidéo, ordinateur, Internet, réalité virtuelle, etc. Questions diverses: la reproductibilité, l'automatisation, l'interactivité, la simulation, etc. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3517 |
Art et féminisme |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Rôle et identité sexuels et perspectives féministes depuis 1970 dans les arts visuels : incidences, pratiques et approches critiques. Art et société, image et culture de la femme, représentation et sexualité. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3580 |
Art contemporain I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Histoire des pratiques artistiques dans les années soixante et soixante-dix à travers l'étude de problématiques choisies. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3581 |
Art contemporain II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Étude des pratiques artistiques depuis les années quatre-vingt au Canada et dans le monde à travers l'étude de problématiques choisies. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3734 |
Art canadien |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Étude de l'art au Canada en particulier au XXe siècle. Analyse détaillée d'oeuvres et de groupes artistiques choisis. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3744 |
Muséologie |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction à la muséologie. Analyse des problèmes théoriques relatifs aux fonctions du musée et de la galerie d'art : collection, conservation, exposition, éducation. Travaux pratiques et visites de galeries et de musées, publics et privés, et d'institutions parallèles. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3754 |
Art inuit et amérindien |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Étude des arts traditionnels et contemporains des inuits et des amérindiens dans leurs contextes anthropologique, historique et politique. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART3764 |
Histoire de la photographie |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Histoire de la photographie jusqu'à nos jours à travers une étude de problématiques choisies. |
Préalable : ART2561 pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes du département. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART4080 |
Atelier dirigé I / Supervised Studio I |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Individual research and collective critiques under the direction of a professor. |
B.F.A. Restricted to fourth-year students. (P). |
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ART4089 |
Atelier dirigé II / Supervised Studio II |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Individual research and collective critiques under the direction of a professor. Exhibition and evaluation of work by a committee of professors. |
Prerequisite or co-requisite: ART4080. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART4090 |
Thème choisi / Special Topic |
(0,0,4) 6 cr. |
Practical research on a selected topic. |
Prerequisite: To be determined by the chosen topic. B.F.A. (P). |
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ART4115 |
Special Topics in Theory and History of Art |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Topic chosen from among historical or theoretical questions of current concern. |
Prerequisite: To be determined according to the subject. G, C, B.F.A. (T). |
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ART4515 |
Thèmes choisis de théorie et d'histoire de l'art |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Thème choisi parmi les questions théoriques ou historiques que soulève l'actualité. |
Préalable : À déterminer selon le sujet du cours. G, C, B.A.V. (T). |
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ART4900 |
Stage / Apprenticeship |
3 cr. |
Period of assistantship and practical studies with a professional (artist, researcher, curator, records manager, administrator, etc.) who must provide the Department with a description of both the work program and the evaluation process for approval. The practicum director and the student must present a final report to the Department. Duration of apprenticeship: 150 hours. |
B.F.A. Restricted to fourth-year students. (P/T). |
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ART4956 |
Travaux dirigés / Directed Research |
3 cr. |
Under the supervision of a professor the student will undertake a program of selected readings and personal research in an area of art history or of art theory. |
B.F.A. Requires the approval of the professor in charge. Restricted to fourth-year students. (T). |
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